Assisted by Kelsier's Allomancy, Demoux wins the fight and Kelsier seizes the moment to invigorate his troops by proclaiming that Demoux had the arcane arts the Lord Ruler possessed, that they all might possess. If you get too close to large amounts of matter or large amounts of Investiture, you will have time dilation. last i saw him was in the end of HoA with a broken leg. All three of these agents have now appeared in published Cosmere works: Demoux (also known as Temoo or Thinker) is from Mistborn, Galladon (also known as Grump) is fromElantris, and Baon (referred to as Vao and Blunt) is from theWhite Sand graphic novels. Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping? Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he He is the leader of the grasshoppers and Flik's arch-nemesis. He RAFOed a later question about her being a feruchemist. There is an article by Chris Lough on Worldhoppers here. Not a huge leap really, but if one is functionally immortal from atium burning, Breaths, or some other Investiture, it's reasonable. Blunt is Baon from white sand., Jasnah went to Shadesmar in WOR to "converse with the great Spren". OreSeur | In theory; getting to Sel is really tough.[17]. I dunno. After asking Kaladin what Heightening he was and using the curse Merciful Domi!, it became clear that Riino was much more than just a Rosharan who decided to divine the future in Shadesmar. When Kelsier came to inspect the caves it was Demoux who led him around. More curious to see if I missed one/a few. I would think if any Terris person became aware of worldhopping, there'd have been a kind of Underground Railroad thing going on to draw away a large number of people to somewhere they wouldn't be forced into breeding programs, made into eunuchs or into broodmares like Tindwyl was. Hammond | Brandon has addressed Worldhopping; essentially, there are three ways Worldhoppers are able to do what they do: 1) Some are functionally immortal. I wonder if we're ever gunna see any misting powers or aonDor on Roshar. Though Kelsier attempts to kill Bilg through Demoux, Demoux resists, and Kelsier soon changes his mind, allowing Bilg to live. She was at one time working with Vasher, but as ofOathbringer, that relationship seems to be rather strained. With some hemalurgy or some other hack he could have gotten Atium Feruchemy and used that. Roman religious beliefs changed slowly over time. Well problem #2 would be that Ghost Kelsier would have to become a (Full) Feruchemist somewhere along the way Maybe with The Lost Metal we'll finally see how the Excisors and the Bands were created. Baon wondered if there Hoid is such a master. N/A Also like Vasher, she features prominently inWarbreaker, as Vivenna. Which means that unfortunately we have no way of speculating on it; we clearly miss some key piece of the big picture there. With so many characters from other worlds (and times!) During his ascension, Rashek realized that a person with both Allomancy and While Mraize was born on Roshar, he has spent considerable time elsewhere in the Cosmereas his collection inWords of Radiance can attest. Demoux is revealed to be a preacher for the Church of the Survivor. Khriss is likely 3). The weekly need for Breath played a part in his relocation to Roshar, where Stormlight ismuch easierand more ethicalto acquire than Breaths on Nalthis. And he's a more central character than Demoux. Thinker Wayne | Clubs | Offices: He later added that she is to be found inWarbreaker, but I cannot remember where that quote is to be found. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. A couple are more relevant than the rest. If the compression effect of bendalloy and cadmium is assumed to be the same 8 to 1 ratio, a week in a CadBubble would propel one forward two months. It would be lame otherwise. Straff mentions that he has Atium buried somewhere only he knows. The only possible exception would be travelers from Sel. You can find him onTwitter, talking about books and writing, but mostly just getting worked up about the New York Rangers. While Iyatil wasnt born on Scadrial herselfshe was born in the Cognitive Realm city of Silverlightshe clearly still adheres to cultural traditions from Scadrial. Maybe that's why Brandon used him rather than the others; there was nothing tying him down. There is this one, where he RAFOed it, but he clarified later on, if I remember correctly. Demoux and his men then charged the incoming koloss forces with Elend, fighting with the power and determination of an army of Allomancers ablaze with atium. Also, the Oathgates also seem to operate by traversing the Cognitive Realm, but just how this works remains a mystery. I like the theory about atium/bronze (with a rigged up method of powering it in place of actual atium?) I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. Do they just learn a new language for each world? Type of Hero Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. Theres really nowhere else we can start, is there? Something to do with Sel magic systems becoming weaker the further from their land maybe? Press J to jump to the feed. It's the one that says "corrosive: contains traces of Odium, press at own risk". That is everything we know. Yeah, those were obvious ones. Q: Obviously the world covers different planets, but most people on individual planets don't know about the other planets. If you imagine a lobster talking, it probably has a British accent. It was how the Lord Ruler became immortal, and it's reasoned that other characters (such as Marsh and possibly Demox) use it to stay young as well. The comment section is sure to be full of spoilers as well, so tread carefully! She's too involved with events on Roshar to really consider going on a pleasure trip around the Cosmere, so even if she technically knows how to worldhop, I don't think she's really all that interested in doing so right now Its a good point about Jasnah.. but i would have probably thought the same thing about Vasher till we saw him on Roshar.. Anythings possible.. Nope, Warbreaker occurs quite a bit (about three hundred years or so) before SA, and Nightblood, as a direct sequel to Warbreaker also occurs quite a bit beforehand as well. He would have to travel from Sel, which isn't avery safe place to enter Shadesmar. Worldhopper before or after she met Demoux? I think I found the WoB you were talking about. I don't really think it sounds Terris, but I might be wrong. I hadn't considered the fact that the 17th shard would be pre Harmony and I think that you may be right. Anyway, it's just really surprising we didn't spot Vasher as a potential worldhopper before WoR was released*shrug*. (laughter) that's a good question, the answer is no. Yeah, you have an excellent point. My count of world-hoppers on Roshar is a little higher: HoidNazhGalladon / GrumpDemoux / ThinkerBaon / BluntMraizeVasher / Zahel. Maybe people with more Investiture in general have an easier time, but not specifically those who can burn atium. Web4384 E Ashlan Ave Ste 101 Fresno CA 93726 Toll Free 800 247 1899 US/Canada 559 224 5427 . Many Americans favored to see such landmarks as the "American dream" and "American freedom" embodied in countries with older cultural Ward departs Lubbock with three years remaining on her contract that was signed in October 2020; she was a late hire that cycle and signed a five-year deal at the Shallan Davar | Wit may be helping the Good Guys, but hes by no means an entirely virtuous person. A. Demoux doesn't have to be that old. In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. The -din suffix in particular suggests a Rosharan origin to the name. (Though, really, I doubt it's the flowers, it's probably some Command that an Awakener can use, well, at least in as far as getting to the Cognitive Realm is concerned). So why are so many of you talking about atium? Even as the world neared Waxillium Ladrian | In fact, hes working with the Ire, the faction of Elantrians who interacted with Kelsier inMistborn: Secret History. In a letter inThe Way of Kings, Wit mentions that he has a grudge against Rayse/Odium, and that certainly plays into why hes helping out our protagonists. So Brandon has confirmed that Demoux's partner from The Hero of Ages, Aslydin, is a worldhopper and a member of the 17th shard, and that her name's ethnicity "should strike us." Friends/Allies I should also add that Feruchemists (or maybe also just normal Scadrians) would have access to it too: He later added that she is to be found in. Now, she may be the famous terriswoman in warbreaker, but in that case, she actually does nothing relevant that we see, so we're still completely in the dark. InThe Stormlight Archive, he appears to be working hard against Odium. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux. She, like Vasher, speaks with strange turns of phrase and is tied to a different kind of Shardblade. He's from an unpublished book, White Sand. Answering Kelsier's call for a man who will defend the honor of the rebellion Demoux immediately stepped forward as one of several, being singled out by Kelsier to fight the dissenter Bilg. Nalthis? WebHide/Show Additional Information For Roemello Walton Wide Receiver WR 5'11" 190 lbs. There is an article by Drew McCaffrey on Worldhoppers here. He is fromWhite Sand. WebA Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. This man is an unnamed Worldhopper.[16]. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 27/04/2018 at 8:46 PM, king of nowhere said. WebUrgently hiring. Well after some digging, I can find nothing. Well, the -din suffix is rather common on Roshar, so he might be referring to that? it's probably nothing to do with shardic magic. Maybe he doesn't have any powers on Roshar? But now that I think about it, there was no more Atium after HoA, so one of the other explanations is probably more feasible. Kaladin Stormblessed | For all we know, this could be only years following the re-structuring of Scadrial and the rise of Sazed as Harmony. It would definitely shut down a current thread in Mistborn, but oh well. Many have stayed in the Cognitive Realm, coexisting with spren and developing towns, cities, and cultures. i don't remember his name. Spook | Unknown. Captain of the Skaa Rebellion Preacher of the Church of the Survivor General in the New Empire World hopping is not mentioned in Mistborn that I can recall, so Brandon can introduce it however he wants or not at all. Last week, Alice and Megan took a hard look at all of the secret societies operating on Roshar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is just a wild guess, but maybe Demoux is a worldhopper because of his girlfriend. Here he demonstrated a sharp contrast to Yeden's impulsive nature by being patient and prudent. Demoux is promoted to a general under Elend in the New Empire some time after Ruin's release at the Well of Ascension. Virtually all music and dance cruise deals are on round-trip departures from Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. Also, to my knowledge, there is no indication thatThe Way of Kings takes place too long after HoA. One should not travel the Cognitive Realm lightly. So no idea. But as the peoples of these worlds grow, it becomes more and more likely that others will eventually learn of the secrets of the Shardpools. PS: I didn't read Secret History, does anyone know if it is in another format than Ebook? As revealed inOathbringer, not every worldhopper goes from Physical Realm to Physical Realm on other worlds. What the Ire wants on Roshar isnt clear, but would it surprise anyone if theyre angling in on somehow getting their hands on Honors splintered power? So to become a worldhopper Or maybe it has something to do with feruchemically storing investiture. It's also possible that, despite alternate, Scadrian ways to get between planets, Worldhoppers tend to use a single system which allows for buddies tagging along, or is focused/usable through devices or artifacts rather than or in addition to people. It's supposed to be quite difficult on Sel, most theories for Scadrial involve one of the god metals being involved, no idea of how it could work on Nalthis except potentially the flowers being involved. WebHoid is a character who appears in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. i wouldn't count jasnah in the list, because she's native from roshar, and while her power is very close to worldhopping (and she may as well become one) it still is not the same thing - else the osmere would be filled with elsecaller worldhoppers from the time the radiants were plentyful. Good Question/Idea. Breeze | This is a very interesting question. A medallion for F-atium wouldn't help with executing the Rashek Maneuver, though, as that requires constantly tapping an atiummind once one lives past one's natural lifespan,and to an ever-increasing degree. Amongst the first recruits of Kelsier's rebellion, Ham quickly promotes him to the rank of captain after he (Ham) assumes leadership in light of Kelsier's absence. were not super sure what hes up to with his Seventeenth Here's Greg Elwell in the Oklahoma Gazette: "Lobster is fancy. Instead of continuing on with Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, and company, Azure decided to head off toward Cultivations perpendicularity and continue her quest to find Vasher and Nightblood. 3 bids. So it's likely that he's aged normally, but time didn't pass normally for him. Perhaps, someday, everyone will have access to the Cognitive Realm. Demoux and his troops arrive at the Pits of Hathsin where the Terris survivors have settled. In the Cognitive Realm, they are a horde; most are more like forces of nature rather than beings of intellect. The Feruchemental property of Atium stores age, so compounders can use it to make themselves younger. Presumable something after the Catacendre, but we have about as much knowledge as you do. Seriously, I don't know. I'm not sure, actually, but that's certainly an important distinction, as if I remember correctly Demoux was not a worldhopper until after the events of HoA. 82 Brownston Street And I just had to wonder, what Thanks! Believe me, we would also all like to know. One day, readers might see networks of inter-dimensional highways connecting the peoples of the cosmere. Thank you :). Started by Sign up for a new account in our community. Besides that, I suppose Demoux was the surviving cast member not otherwise occupied. However, subtlety is often a more powerful tool in making things happen. Tindwyl | Worldhoppers' time is going to pass normally unless they can stay near large collections of Investiture. I think there's a WoB saying that Demoux is a 17th because of his wife (the terris one in the end of HoA), so the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. Or Harmony could have preserved him for this use. I thought that was just a theory. 122: Miami (Ohio) Miami RedHawks football to meet Ohio . Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. The successes of the U.S. economy, an effective Constitution, and sustainable growth of per capita income in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, steadily grew into a form of leadership ideology. Likely, this is achieved through access to Shadesmar (i.e., the Cognitive Realm) via a perpendicularity. Perhaps Elsecallers and Willshapers can use Shadesmar like a sort of warp space, allowing them to leap across cosmic distances. WebWhen did Demoux start world hopping? Maybe I missed something in which case I apologise. People can transition between the Physical and Cognitive Realms via perpendicularities, which tend to take the form of glowing pools. Sylphrena | It wouldn't surprise me if Breeze and the others were asked, or at least considered, as well. A warning as always: This series will contain spoilers for all of the Cosmere books published so far. I will have to do some digging. Press question mark to learn the rest Demoux and his soldiers maintained law and order and essentially took command, though he showed a respect for the Terris elders; he became romantically involved with Aslydin, the daughter of one of the elders, who fell in love with him for his honor and respectability. Sel is nearly impossible to visit, and very dangerous at that. There are others in many other Cosmere stories, including a few that we see people actually go through during those stories. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. I am not sure she is Terris, however, the Terris world hopper is Female. Evil Librarian, Just Some Guyn From Silverlight. Aside from Awakening a sword to "Bring me to other worlds", it's hard to imagine using the manipulation of Spiritual aspects to cross vast distances of space. The philosophers of the various worlds often discuss the dangers and natures of ideas among a population. The creation of Harmony must have attracted the attention of the 17th shard (if they weren't watching even before), and likely they looked for potential recruits among those closest to the events. What am I missing? I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. There could be any number of caches that went undiscovered prior to Harmony. There is a word of Brandon that indicates that Nicrosil works in a similar manner to copper: something distinct (memory/investiture) is removed from the individual and is later restored. A: That's not as far off as people laughing think that it is. WebMason Wheeler: I was re-reading the original Mistborn trilogy, and I was struck by how devoutly Demoux believes in the divine nature of Kelsier. Wasn't there someone in the final battle on the plains who was a world hopper? Nazh is a name many readers will recognize, as hes the one who writes all of the annotations on the various maps in the books. Nazh is from Threnody originally, the world featured inShadows For Silence in the Forests of Hell. 18 Skird Street But it doesn't make sense to me. ALSO Keep in mind that although the Pits were destroyed, that doesn't exclude the idea that Demoux has no access to Atium. If Harmony turned him into a full blown mistborn, then he could have burned duralumin with the time stop metal to place himself outside of time for awhile. Definitely shut down a current thread in Mistborn, but the ethnicity of the Survivor they are horde. Travel from Sel up about the other planets contrast to Yeden 's impulsive nature by being patient and.. Traditions from Scadrial of world-hoppers on Roshar, so he might be referring to?! Of HoA with a woman named Aslydin missed one/a few originally, the -din is... One that says `` corrosive: contains traces of Odium, press own... Is promoted to a different kind of Shardblade find nothing -din suffix in particular suggests a origin... 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