the twelve why did frie kill brechtje

Home Streaming Service Netflix The Twelve season 1, episode 10 recap Brechtje en Roos. The Belgian courtroom drama makes it to the UK. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. (LogOut/ She got choked on her school tie that she tied with the staircases during the photo shoot. When the police arrived at Dokics house, they discovered that he was driving Belinda to the hospital. According to Nathans testimony, he and Kate were friends while attending the same art school. Ready Steady Cut is operated by Hart-Wilson Media Limited Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Only time will tell. Site by FireCask. "We found it thought provoking to focus on the ordinary people that get drawn by lot for jury duty. Will her past trauma endanger her position on the jury? He did break the law, but he attempted to make up for his mistakes and is personally suffering for his decisions. AsFrie Palmers (Maaike Cafmeyer) stands on trial for allegedly killing her daughter Roos (Estelle Sys) after losing custody of her to her ex-husband, she's also accused of murdering her best friendBrechtje Vindevogel (Lynn Van Royen), who once dated Frie's ex-husbandStefaan De Munck (Johan Heldenbergh). Will these fourteen individualseach representing a different personalitycome together to render a worthy verdict? Netflix As a result, their final word in the case is only a reflection of who they are and their sense of justice. Were they right, or at least justified in their decision? So the case that shocked the entire country is about to go on trial again before a fresh jury in the Parramatta Supreme Court. hitType: 'event', Along with this, the show suggests that a left-handed person most likely made the incision. The vote reads 7-5 as guilty which comes as a doubtful majority in the case of Brechtje's murder. With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie . With this, based on the decision of the jury, Frie gets sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment, while Steefan walks free. Holly makes her best effort to point out the flaws in his logic and attempts to assuage him and his guilt even going so far as to reveal that she was indeed present at her own parents' murders but to no avail. Required fields are marked *. After all the ifs and buts, only Corrie votes Not Guilty, leaving a majority of 11 jurors to render the judgment of Guilty. It looks bad for Frie, because she recently lost custody of Roos to Stefaan and his new wife Margot. One day, Kate introduced Belinda to Dokic. Their lives as they knew them are over for it, not fixed as they hoped it would be by taking Frie so earnestly to trial. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They lied themselves into their respective places, and when the trial was over, all that was left was the ruin of their lies revealed to each other. She adds that not only did she utilize her niece in her filthy practice of adult grooming and exploitation, but she also killed her by strangling her and dumping her body in Sydney Harbor. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), We see Corrie Dsouza, an employee of a charity shop and the jurys foreperson, as she tries to flee from the painful memories of discovering her parents homicide. In the closing moments of The Twelve, the court concludes that Frie is guilty of killing her best friend Brechtje, but is innocent when it comes to her daughters murder. This trial featured people from many different walks of life, all of whom perform acts of both common heroism and pettiness, and possess positive and negative qualities. eventAction: 'load' Additionally, it demonstrates how difficult it is to manage the various human emotions created for a variety of unexplained reasons. In the closing moments of 'The Twelve', the court concludes that Frie is guilty of killing her best friend Brechtje, but is innocent when it comes to her daughter's murder. When he goes to retrieve it, he finds two major surprises inside its pages: black gloves, and a delicate gold necklace that spells "amour" both subject to many questions during the trial for their absence. Please update your browser to one of the following: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, The Twelve season 1, episode 10 recap Brechtje en Roos. To begin with, lets talk about the incision made on the daughters neck. Frie Palmers has led a complicated life, of that there is no doubt and it all comes tumbling out in this trial. Is she actually to be blamed for her nieces passing? So based on all the clues that it drops throughout its runtime, well be making our deductions of whos innocent and whos guilty in its intriguing murder mystery plot. He despises Kate so much that he called the police and said that she killed her daughter while she was missing. Along with penning poems and singing Rabindra Sangeet, she enjoys exploring the World of Cinema because one day she sees herself behind the lenses. }) We learn that the automated flashlight was captured on camera when Kate was gone that night, and Kate finally admits to her lawyer that she was angry when Claire tried to shoot the final piece by herself but inadvertently died. The Twelve (De Twaalf) is currently available to view in the UK on All4/Walter Presents. Don't worry, we will never spam you! Arnold is a homophobe but ultimately the most clear-eyed about how the justice system is supposed to operate. Holly learns the value of forgiveness and what conscience can do to punish more than the law ever could. She behaves erratically when the Crown confronts her, intending to kill her niecethe inspiration for her harrowing artin order to advance her legacy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Otto, the gallery owner, bribes him first and then blackmails him to get information from the jury board because he wants Kate to be free of all charges. Trevor is a middle-aged man without a strong personal opinion who frequently sides with the majority. This is what the entirety of The Twelve has been building towards, and Brechtje en Roos gives it the momentous treatment, as it should. Instead, the jury found Frie guilty of one crime and not the other, and yet we only found out whether she was truly guilty of both right at the end. Although the individual decision of each juror remains a mystery, their pre-verdict discussion tells a lot about what theyre thinking and how theyre judging the suspects. And the series buzz is well justified the 10-part thriller expertly manages to interweave tense, courtroom scenes with the lives of some of the 12 jurors, making it a rich, immersive and intense character-driven whodunit. Fries reasons for hurting her daughter are also made pretty clear. },false) "Maybe there's also a problem of our definition of what prejudice or bias is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Was it an accident. First, the aftermath of Delphines struggle with Mike. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { After Frie fell pregnant with their daughter Roos, Stefaan did the dirty on her, too, and left her for Margot. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Set in the city of Ghent it follows the high-profile, tense court case, which sees a schoolteacher in the dock, accused of murdering her best friend and her daughter. ", Is this a condemnation of the method from the creators, then? After three months of court procedures, the jury returns a finding of Guilty for Kate, and the trial is at last over. Fittingly, Brechtje en Roos delivers a last-minute surprise, but it also provides closure and a neat ending for almost everyone involved, impressing as a finale. But when he discovered that the employee died moments after being taken to a hospital, he was left with nothing but remorse. Set in the city I recommend it. In addition to being her adoring niece, Claire was a superb model for her theme photography. At first, Belgian courtroom etiquette takes some time to get used to, as both prosecution and defence lawyers are allowed to back and forth with pretty much who they want when they want, and with themselves. Unlike other courtroom dramas, The Twelve is not limited to the verbal scuffles between attorneys or the graphic depictions of criminals and their dangerous actions. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Different jury members are portrayed by the filmmaker in various shades of realism. Don't worry, we won't spam you! She does so because her husband had previously tried to kill her out of anger. Learn how your comment data is processed. Change). Outside of its native Belgium it was shown in the US and other territories on Netflix, where it was generally very well received, and now we get it here in the UK thanks to the diligent work of the Walter Presents brand. German Crime Drama But when she was chosen to serve as juror and later that day told Mike she had been chosen he appeared upset. And thus, during the decision-making process, he often tries to contradict the majority decision of the jury. If you feel like you don't know what to feel upon finishing The Twelve, that's actually part of the point. But while Fries was pregnant with Stefaans baby, he shacked up with Margot. One juror, Lily (Bishanyia Vincent), has an obsession with astrology and horoscopes. The Twelve, a Belgian series on Netflix, opens with jury selection for a scandalous case against a woman, Frie Palmers (Maaike Cafmeyer), who is accused of killing her best friend 19 years earlier and mortally wounding her own child three years earlier. He discovered Kates bizarre photography of Claire and, in keeping with his protective nature, he said he would not allow her to do the same with her daughter. The series theme of growing relationships and parallel stories, while not always perfect, worked well enough in the end. Who is Kate Lawson? I just finished watching the tv show The Twelve and wondered what everyone thinks about the ending. But Claire persisted in doing photoshoots and even posting videos while getting drunk. When Steefan had first come to know about Brechtjes pregnancy in college, he was very distressed and even suspected that shes cheating on him with a professor. Add in Delphines abusive marriage her husband Mike is jealous and possessive and is beginning to lose his rag as Delphines commitment to jury service and amplifies his own, petty grievances and these rich stories give extra poignancy to the case itself. Dr. Kantor, a forensic specialist, informs the court that sodium hypochlorite, a potent industrial bleach, was discovered in some photographs and the wheelbarrow, indicating that she attempted to clean those items, probably in an effort to obliterate evidence. The murder remains unsolved for 19 years. Baby Mia Jade Riley: Parents Lani and Tom Riley speak out after dog attack killed their 5-week-old infant, Kyle Sambrook: Hiker falls 100ft to death while carrying his dog in one hand through 'appalling' weather, Bruce Willis's mom Marlene 'not sure if her son still recognizes her' as 'aggressiveness' creeps in, Killer mom Lindsay Clancy was suffering from drug withdrawal and had 'worst side effects,' says friend, Julia Faustyna: 21-yr-old girl who claims to be Madeleine McCann admits to making 'pornographic videos' in past. But it did all happen and as the final scene tells us via pop song, it's not over, just keep going. (LogOut/ During a jury deliberation break, Holly asks Joeri point-blank if the situation with the worker has clouded his judgement amid Frie's trial and whether he would have ruled differently if the trial and the accident hadn't occurred at the same time; Joeri responds that he doesn't know. The Twelve episode 10, the finale, brings matters to a close, and while it has been a long - perhaps too long - road to get here, the journey has for the most part been worth it. The Twelve wonderfully illustrates the underlying torment and escape routes of the jury members. And it's a good one. The ten-episode drama follows Maaike Cafmeyer's Frie Palmers, a headmistress accused of a double murder, her daughter Rose (Estelle Sys), and best friend, Brechtje (Lynn Van Royen). He even gives all of Delphine's sacrifices purpose by giving up his jurist seat so she can take over as substitute. Frie requests her lawyer Ari (Josse De Pauw) bring a pop-up book from her home to her. Were then introduced to the case itself. In his new nation, Farrad (Hazem Shammas), an Iraqi immigrant and former lawyer who drives a cab for a living, eagerly awaits the arrival of his family. Thus, Frie remains to be the only left-handed suspect. Please support Ready Steady Cut today. (LogOut/ All4/Walter Presents' next binge-worthy crime series is Belgian story, The Twelve (De Twaalf). The dense narrative and intersecting character timelines turned what might've seemed at first to be a straightforward legal drama into something much broader and philosophical indeed, so if the ending ofThe Twelve left your head spinning a bit and wondering just what the truth is, never fear! French Crime Drama (LogOut/ document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) { Consequently, anyone can be called to the stand at any time, including the accused. For me the setting free of Delphine was great, that Mike fellow if I came across a person like that in real life I would certainly slap him myself. And even in this national media-circus trial, jurors had 1 day to come back with a decision. These photographic flashes at a particular time interval are captured on CCTV. He says his boat could not make it to Sydney Harbor in the allotted two hours and his fuel tank was full. At the conclusion of The Twelve, her art of facing death makes sense since it is her admission of both her guiltfor which she was never found guiltyand a lethal conspiracy against an innocent Dokic. Moreover, according to him, she did not finish her photo shoot; the last picture was unfinished, but it was never done due to the upsetting event. The evidence is almost all circumstantial, so the jury has a difficult decision to make. Frie is unlikable, but so is Stefaan. A lie? Some of the best crime drama comes from outside the U.S. if(document.querySelector("#adunit")){ hitType: 'event', An alcoholic and a gambler, Garry Thorne (Brendan Cowell) lives alone with his two dogs. Ukranian Crime Drama In the closing moments of 'The Twelve', the court concludes that Frie is guilty of killing her best friend Brechtje, but is innocent when it comes to her daughter's murder. Joeri is the alpha-male of the jury, but soon his world comes tumbling down co-owner of a construction business with his brother, an on-site accident forces him to reassess his life and reset his own moral compass. Arnold is grieving the loss of his wife, and the environment around him is starting to fall apart his neighbours are constantly noisy, and the monkeys he looks after at a sanctuary are showing signs of anti-social behaviour. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), pg.acq.push(function() { This argument, however, changes no minds. What role does she play in the mystery? He went to Kates house to coerce her, but Kate stopped them. Given how neatly The Twelve season 1, episode 10 tied everything up, a second season would need a new case, and new jurors, but I think the overall concept has plenty of legs. Austrian Crime Drama The big twist, however, comes on the final minutes of the episode. During a previous scene, Ari explains to Frie that he'll start the paperwork to declare a mistrial something that could easily be granted since Nol (Piet De Praitere) leaked trial proceedings to the press. Between the jury and the court, though, a decision is made: Frie is found guilty of murdering Britt, but not Rose. So lets further discuss their motives and what drove them into making the decision that they made. Two heinous crimes, but is this complex character who has been through deep pain and loss guilty? Fidgety and officious, Carl is father to Juliette a teenager who has just been diagnosed with autism. Shes married to Mike, a jealous, possessive man who does not like her being on the jury and away from the children. Later, a fisherman, Issacs (Nicholas Hope), testified that he had seen Kate Lawson rowing a tender out to the motorboat Wood Duck on the morning of 15th September. Kate pushed her down the stairs because she was anxious and couldnt control her erratic feelings. Because of the expense to the state, trial rules were temporarily modified to limit juries to just four laymen and three judges, blending the legal concepts of a jury trial and a bench trial, but the idea was ultimately ruled unconstitutional and abandoned. He beat his son for wanting to speak the truth and forced everyone to spread this falsehood about Kates early arrival. The way that Kates theme of death is portrayed is a lovely example of self-surrender. ga('ads.send', { Dont miss our other great reviews HERE! The story is directed collectively by five talented Australian filmmakers and is based on the Belgian TV series Da Twaalf. The story unfolds with the murder trial of a 14-year-old teenager, Claire Spaces(Coco Jack Gillies), after a prominent hiatus. It wasnt clear to me why Noel brought up the issue of talking to the press. WHOS ON THE JURY IN THE TWELVE (DE TWAALF)? Britbox Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { Croatian Crime Drama After a drunken New Years Eve where Frie makes her move on Stefaan, Brechtje disappears and is later found dead. Its insinuating that she may have committed both crimes by letting her lawyer find the gloves and necklace. So going by this explanation, the decision of the jurors was flawed. That's why there's no sense of victory for Stefaan (Johan Heldenbergh), Nama (Souad Boukhatem), and her mother Lutgard (Jolente De Keersmaeker). Even though Kate was involved previously in a similar case while she was a teenger, the court discourages jury members from being prejudiced and biased. So, like Kates art, the reason for her punishment is also open to interpretation; if it is for killing Belinda, or Claire, or the trust of a sister, or anything else. The damnation returns to Kate in this way. Is the result moral, if not legally, correct? Endeavour: Whats going to happen to Fred Thursday. It is the apology she never made to Belinda for her true wrongdoing. After his wifes death, he starts bonding with his pet monkeys but fails to get along with anyone else. Despite her protestations, shes law-bound to take her place alongside the rest of the disparate members of the jury; people that she would be spending more or less every working hour of every day for the next several months with. Her friendship with Brechtje and her partner Stefaan De Munck (Johan Heldenbergh) is dissected, as are the fissures in their relationship. The decisions made by these fourteen individuals about Kate Lawsons future are unavoidably influenced by their individual situations, obligations, prior struggles, and current living arrangements. Additionally, Kate is charged with giving alcohol to kids and forcing them to engage in immoral behavior for the sake of her work. Their decision may have been made, however, the scintillating part that remains a mystery is how the jurors manage to judge Frie. Dont miss our other great reviews. Moving to the ending, the final chapter, titled 'Brechtje and Roos' is all about the decision. Creators Sanne Nuyens and Bert Van Dael manage to roll out an intriguing story with 'The Twelve'. The natural, linear propulsion of a court case, where theres a very definite beginning, middle and end, is just perfect to get caught up in. The series intentionally leaves several plot points hanging just to allow viewers to feel the insecurities and pressures of the jurors. hitType: 'event', Meanwhile, Stefaan and Frie get married, and its a turbulent marriage, as Stefaan is prone to cheating. We feel that there's something really good to say about juries, and we feel that there's bad things to say. Moreover, Fries fingerprints were also found on the broken window, which was used for causing the incision. And, with the level of detail that comes with a complex trial with plenty of evidence to be reviewed, De Twaalf really does lend itself to watching over a weekend. Diane, her sister, must have known this but chose to be her supporter because it was an accident. In the dock is schoolteacher Frie Palmers (Maaike Cafmeyer), who stands accused of murdering her baby daughter Roos earlier that year and, in 2000, her best friend Brechtje Vindevogel. This Dokic was found guilty of raping and killing Kates close friend Belinda Bain (Charlotte Lucas), a 14-year-old girl, in 1992.