thank you email to professor end of semester covid

and with dislocation in all aspects of life. students remotely and into yet another week of continual adjustment to this new You make the course that much more enjoyable, so thank you! Staff from across campus volunteered last weekend to work in our student assistance bureau to help students figure out packing and storage, arrange travel, or solve visa problems. the way so many of you have gone above and beyond your daily tasks to assist Coming up with the right words to say thank you to parents and/or guardians at the end of the year can be tough. Indeed, the semester isn't yet complete. It was all just so different from anything I have ever learned. I can not wait to continue my education with you next semester! It is natural to avoid things that make us uncomfortable or anxious. Such an effort is the best way to end the pandemic quickly, they say - and unless it happens, people in every corner of the world could still be living under a Covid cloud through 2022 and beyond. I cant wait until we can hang out again, and ride bikes, and do barre. I greatly appreciate your email responses, zoom one-on-one meetings, and presence at Tuesday facilitations. Thats what you did for me. As an international student, I was extremely stressed when we received President Browns letter announcing the closure of the Universitys dorms. With all your silly hints and mnemonics from bulbous to Rhombus, and the passionate Mets fan :) class was enjoyable and studying became feasible! Get Tested Before You go Home All the best email sign-offs are general, friendly but slightly formal sign-offs; like " best regards " or "all the best". On the very first day of the class you said learning is not about remembering facts, its about thinking and analyzing how things work. I will always remember this. Although challenging, you made the course attainable and understandable. Introduce yourself and your purpose. This is not an easy task even in normal circumstances and is even more difficult now that human contact is limited. I have taken a lot from our time in lab and cannot wait to apply it in the future. Your genuine care, concern, and understanding have meant more than you will ever know. Thank you for being so caring, gentle, and responsive. Testing will take place on Tuesday and Thursday from 12-2 pm in Highsmith Student Union (HIG) 125. Im beyond thankful to have you as one of my professors this semester. Be human - and remember that your professor is human, too. Practice acceptance and flexibility. I would be happy to schedule a meeting with you if that is preferable. More than ever, I am impressed by your ingenuity, your resilience, your passion and your strength, as we have navigated unprecedented challenges over the past two months. My name is [your name] and I am in section X of your [class name] class. Our School's leaders: You are fundamental to our School's successes. I hope that our paths meet again someday. College faculty are nervous about the fall semester. A simple, 'We hope you're doing well' will suffice," a Deadline editor tweeted. "They won't have time to make it up," he said. Some of you, I know, already find yourselves Thank you professor for teaching how to analyze and think about a problem in class. In the State of the Union, President Biden stated that " we have broken COVID's grip on us .". Thank you! I wanted to say thank you for making this class very interesting and interactive. they adapt their courses. Being in your class was a breath of fresh air after a very stressful first year. Jessica Reyes, operations manager, and Ana Lemus, animal care supervisor, BU Animal Science Center (BUASC), to the BUASC barrier staff. Thank you to everyone as we move forward into the end of this unique semester and into the start . Tip: If you arent sure what you need or dont know where to start, ask for a meeting to discuss your options. 2. as we work together to respond as circumstances require. deeply grateful. - Write sincerely with an active voice. Maybe Rhett can have a friend? If you are really nervous about contacting your professor, start by drafting the email and saving it. You even went out of your way to compliment the resources med students had and I could use them to boost my retention. Being too casual can backfire no matter how close you are with a professor. Monica C. (CAS20) to Sophie Godley, SPH clinical assistant professor of community health sciences, Thank you for your compassion and understanding during this time, for making yourself available to students, and for striving to teach a class that is particularly challenging in the online format with enthusiasm and humor. I also know that you have been working together to figure out We appreciate you! Thank you most of all for furthering my drive towards becoming a physician despite my change of major; I appreciate it tremendously. remotely, adapting to new schedules, or, while on campus, taking extra care to Thank you for being a beacon of positivity and purpose in a time where many are uncertain. When I first began [course topic], I was anxious, scared and worried that it might be the first class I ever fail. It is safe to say that our definition of crisis may be different now than it was before this pandemic but through all of the ups and downs at work and outside of it, youve offered a listening ear and support that has meant the world to me. We see the challenges that you have faced with teaching during COVID-19. We feature comments where students share their gratitude for the tremendous work their instructors have done teaching this semester. Thank you for creating a fun, safe and appropriate learning environment for my cohort and I. Youve adapted to our learning styles by adjusting your teaching style- adding pictures, key points, etc. Follow these rules of basic email etiquette: Address your recipient by title and last name ( Dear Professor Interesting) Use full sentences and proper grammar, avoiding slang and emojis. In another widely followed case, a professor of philosophy at the University of Alabama at Huntsville recently said he's leaving the university over the fact that it's requiring masks indoors but doing little else to halt the spread of COVID-19. Taylor Vernon APSC Seminar Dr. Tamim 01 May 2020 Reflection This semester was challenging for us all due to COVID-19. It only released 108 pages of information last November after we complained to the Ombudsman. Thank you so much for your time and patience. My gratitude to you for all you have done, which I will never forget. I am very thankful that you laughed it off and told us what not to do next time. They are also doing a fantastic job in prioritizing the safety of their staff/team. You were always approachable, insightful, and personable, reminding us that we are all still humans too. unprecedented event that fosters tremendous anxiety and brings each and every Thank you very much for the [subject] course. Thank you. Show your professor that youve been paying attention. In the 2021 - 2022 academic year, 482 students sent 787 notes thanking over 318 faculty for their hard work and dedication. For your patience and for creating an environment where we arent only allowed to succeed but also to fail. Our love to you and prayers for your safety for the duration of this crisis and beyond! You are constantly a source of comfort and reassurance, no matter the circumstances, so it only makes sense that you still continue to be that for us. In a college filled with tough professors, you have always been a breath of fresh air. Published on March 22, 2020. together. These simple conversations were vital in returning some bit of normalcy to my life. This is an I wish there were more professors like you out there that have a huge impact on student education. Furthermore, you helped us throughout the semester with our end-of-semester project to make sure we turned in a clean project. I was very worried and nervous about my presentation project part but it all went easier for me on that day because of your kind behaviour. The professor, Jeremy Fischer, along with colleagues, had previously asked the university to let professors teach remotely if they wished. I have learned a lot about [course subject] and the different topics we presented in class brought up conversations at home. Thank you for checking in with students, encouraging them, and making yourself available. I am a clinical student, but your class has made me rethink how I can make a difference in my community. Thank you for being passionate about what you do, and I am glad you are a . Thank you for taking the time to grade the assignments and provide personalized feedback. your hand at home-schooling, keeping your household together, and tending to Also your personality was like a good friend for students not a professor! Thank you for everything. The conversations have been enlightening and important, yet also difficult, raising issues that are challenging to discuss, even as they are vitally important to our campus and country. "I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from . Thank you for not only keeping us updated on our workplace situation but also for being such a good friend and checking up on us while still trying to keep a positive spin on this situation. First, provide students with PowerPoint slides and lecture notes. Even though it was a difficult course for me, as Id never taken a [subject] class, it helped me learn more about what Id like to work on in the future. Coronavirus Thank-you Notes from the BU Community, BU Today staff One Year after the Invasion of Ukraine, the War Has Transformed Life for This BU Couple, In Aftermath of StuVi 2 Tragedy, BU Begins Review of Security and Alert System, BUs Newbury Center Hosts Sixth Annual First-Gen Graduate Student Symposium, Boston University to Open New LGBTQIA+ Student Resource Center, Saxbys, New Student-Run Caf, Opens at Center for Computing & Data Sciences, Terriers Aiming High at Indoor Patriot League Track and Field Championships. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. The structure of the class is great and I even encouraged some of my friends to take this class. Thank you to BMC! Students may end isolation after day five if they are 1) fever-free . Thank you for being both. encounter challenges and frustrations, as the entire education universe With most of my friends having already gone back home and my family being on a different continent, I spent my last few days in Boston feeling extremely tired and anxious. Seeing their dedication and good spirits through this hard time motivates us to work harder and continue to fight through this crisis as a team! Thank you! As always, they stand ready to troubleshoot any My education at St. Norbert College and experience working . I truly appreciate you and all the time you spent to help me when I needed extra guidance and reassurance with assignments and concerns. I am Dorothy Soares-Timas, Office of the University Registrar assistant registrar, graduation and credentials, to Kristen Veiga (Wheelock20). Keep up the amazing work! Sincerely, Diana To: Susan Thomson ( peace and conflict studies) Graduating Seniors: Want to Send a Commencement Thank-You to Your Family? Even though classes can be stressful, relying on them to give my days structure has been really important for me. I am super grateful to be a part of this team and could not have asked for better bosses. Heres a huge shout-out to her and all the nurses, doctors (and other hospital staff), EMTs, firefighters, police, and government employees that are still going into the office as well as other responders who are out there for the benefit of others! I can always rely on my professors to be in my corner, both for encouragement and valuable mentorship. Those were very helpful (although many students complain its too much work) and made me understand the course materials better. I am emailing about the essay due this Friday. We have provided several sample interview thank you letters for your reference. However, you were able to teach it in a way where I can actually get a 4.0. Your knowledge of public health law and policy is impressive but more importantly, your commitment to helping me understand this material as Ive juggled being both a full time MPH student and an RN during this pandemic speaks to your character and inherent kindness. Take a few moments and send that professor a Thank You for all their hard work, dedication, and effort. Thank you so much for your devotion to teaching and making sure our cohort did not stress. CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION. Again thank you so much for being so encouraging and doing everything to keep us motivated and supported throughout our program. Professor Department of Mathematics College of Liberal Arts and Sciences -Ben Sherwin, Fall 2021 Thank You Message Sinad OBrien, operations manager, BUs Lab Animal Care Facility, to Taylor Welch, Rosemarie OGara, Anthony Umeh, Nathaniel Burns-Sarno, and Harold Neilson, BU Animal Science Center staff. I really appreciate all of your help inside and outside the classroom, and Im glad I got to take another class with you. 6/30/2021 - State COVID-19 Dashboard Concludes as Emergency Ends. If youd like to explain yourself further, request a meeting and save it for a conversation in real-time. What a way to help kids finish strong! This made me smile. Can you let me know when a good time would be for us to chat? Where our hunger for human connection becomes a reality so It has made a difference in coping during this difficult time. You always keep your cool, and spoke to students in a professional manner. Email you send to faculty and administrators should follow the conventions of professional email in any workplace: craft an informative subject line; address the recipient appropriately; be concise and courteous; proofread to avoid sending messages with typos. This is why we as guest lecturers, adjuncts, professors and every role in between do what we do! I will be able to complete them within the next couple of weeks., May I schedule a meeting with you to discuss my options for improving my grade in this class?, If this is not possible, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have for me in improving my grade for this class., Please let me know if you would prefer to schedule a meeting to discuss this further.. You have always taught every chapter slides deeply and effectively in each class of yours. And be sure to take Please let me know if you would like to schedule a meeting during your office hours to discuss this further. Thanks for the reality checks and applications about the different topic areas. To Cassie, Carol, Ashley and Jim, Laura, Sarah, Amanda, Beth and Jack, Paula, Jaime and Lisa, you all rock! Then, in June, registrar Adela Kardos said: "UC's approach was based, rightly or wrongly, on the view that given the UC Covid policy is no longer in place, it would be more factual to provide the information that it did.". :). Lane Hall, Room 204 Here's a text that would make any educator's day or even year. Thank you so much for a wonderful semester with you, you are by far the best teacher I have ever had. Traveller must quarantine due to close contact with COVID-19 during travel. THANK YOU, MOM! Very good classes, in a joyful and good mood. Academics. Also, thank you for bringing in cake and oreos! This webpage will be updated as new information becomes available. Ron and his team are coordinating the process of moving PPE and other needed supply donations from across BUs campus to BU and BMCs various areas of need. To every teacher around the world, we have two words for you: Thank you! I enjoyed every minute of your lecture as well as your marvelous sense of humor. This is the final week of on-campus COVID-19 surveillance testing for employees. Some of your lessons Ill definitely remember for the rest of my career are: describing something specific about a patient (red dress etc); pleasant appearance of a patient; and a clinical pearl how to check with a light if a patient has a pus in the sinuses. It is said that it is in the most difficult times that the truth of a persons soul is seen. A professor like you needs to be recognized for all the hard work that you do to help your students succeed. This message is to let all of you know that I see you I see the hard work you've put in, the commitment you've demonstrated, the hardships you'v0e endured, and the sacrifices you've made. Thank you to the University of Maine System students, faculty and staff who have verified their vaccination status so far. We highlight submissions that reflect faculty commitment to student success in and out of the (virtual) classroom, their continued support and engagement, and their ability to be flexible and adaptable. faculty across this campus have acted quickly to figure out how to carry out Your position in the class is what it is. Thank you again! care of your minds, bodies, and spirits. I hope that I get a chance to meet you in-person in future. I hope this email finds you well. Thank you so incredibly much, if there is any professor I will remember from my time at New York Tech it will be you. I learned a lot from this course. Thank YOU for everything you do for us measly old Sport Psych grad students. Thank you professor for your excellent explanation of the subject, the examples you used which allowed us to apply the courses key points to real world examples, and for providing us the flexibility to learn this course at a pace and manner suited to us individually. While I understand the rest of you have been avoiding going out and shotgunning beers alongside your classmates during the prime of your social life, I thought it was important for me to get a couple more glory days in before my college experience grinds to a halt. I am immensely grateful to Kate and her family for reaching out to me and letting me know that they were there to help me if needed. With hospitalizations and deaths dramatically reduced due to the state's vaccination and public health efforts, California has the tools needed to continue fighting COVID-19 when the State of Emergency terminates at the end of February, including vaccines and boosters, testing, treatments and other mitigation measures like masking and indoor . I had a headache just thinking about packing up my belongings, finding storage options, and trying to book a flight home. Thank you! Angelica Nieto (CAS23) to Geraldy Charlotin, Agganis Arena assistant operations manager. I am blessed to work with them, whether online or in the lab, and I am so thankful for the advice and knowledge they have provided me. Message to Faculty and Staff: Thank You! However, throughout the course I started finding it vastly interesting to the point where I just purchased the book online. Thank you for setting me homework. June 15, 2020 Dear Colleagues, As we prepare to close the 2020 academic year, I want to express my immense gratitude for all your hard work and resilience. You have such a big heart and it has shown during this time more than ever. The time it takes to say "thank you" may be brief, but the impact is far greater than you may realize. Over our shortened spring semester, my professors created opportunities for students to talk to each other using Zoom. I hope I have more professors like you in the future! The same message of thanks and love goes out to all the rest of the nurses and medical professionals in our extended family and friends. Thank you for helping to create some stability in students lives in the midst of an uncertain world. Your style of teaching cannot be matched, but the reason that I am sending you this token of appreciation is because even when I completed your class you still managed to keep in touch with me and presumably the rest of the other students as well for future advancements, opportunities and student offers. Your confidence in me is my biggest motivator.". be chosen for the ABC Family Scholarship." Demonstrate the Impact. juggling frantically to work from home, while also caring for young children, trying Thank you for providing a comprehensive education to our students. Thanks for always listening to our concerns and making us feel heard.". Greg! Since this was my first in-person lab, you helped me learn about lab etiquette and [course subject]. You opened up a whole new career path for me by simply talking to me and helping me meet some connections. It was a pleasure learning from you. Thank you! Thank you for making yourself available to answer questions throughout [subject] coursework. Per CDC guidelines, students will be advised to isolate at home for five days from the date of symptom onset, or from the positive test date if no symptoms are present. Very uplifting! And the Bates Communications Office has worked around the clock to make sure that we share fast-evolving information promptly and factually and communicate policy decisions to everyone affected. I am so grateful to work with you. Thank you for teaching me this semester, I have learned a lot from your lectures and critiques which allowed me to develop my critical thinking and how to approach design more strategically. It is hard learning through Zoom, and I am sure it is hard teaching through Zoom, but you kept us interested and excited about what we were doing all semester. You should send a thank-you for a job interview, an internship, an informational interview, and any other situation where you received career assistance. Embrace virtual learning. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our readers. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important update to the University's COVID-19 response planning. . I definitely hope to have another class with you during my MBA, and in the event I cant, would like to wish you the best in your future endeavours. For additional information about UNC Asheville's COVID-19 guidelines for the Spring 2022 semester, please visit Faculty, I know that you have been hard at work over the Thank you for an amazingly smooth semester. Nicole Reichwald (CAS20) and Magdalene Soule (COM20) to Craig Sender, College of Communication lecturer in mass communication, advertising, and public relations. I am having Macy withdrawal, weirdly. Is it possible for me to receive credit for the assignments that I have missed? Thank you for being such an understanding teacher when I was dealing with my mental health. This time, I not only did really well but I really understood the information and enjoyed learning. present that we are less inclined forever to take a friend or a loved one Weve compiled some tips and strategies to help you start the conversation. Life in the time of COVID and online classes is HARD. I hope this email finds you well. this moment, therefore, to thank all of you for your diligence and generosity Keep the tone of your email courteous. Sample thank you note: "Thank you for being such an inspiring, kind, and positive professor. Include your full name, class, and section number. Thank you for being such a caring, kind, and understanding professor during these times. Thank you again for everything! In accordance with guidance from the CDC and Delaware Division of Public Health, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for five full days, plus wear a mask for five additional days.Use the CDC's Isolation Calendar Calculator for assistance.. Students who test positive for COVID-19 at any point during the semester should upload their test results to the UD Health . 1. Aalia Buachale (CAS22) to Susanne Sreedhar, College of Arts & Sciences associate professor of philosophy, Thank you for all the support you continue to offer your graduate students. Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chair of COVID-19 vaccination on the JCVI, said: The COVID-19 vaccination programme continues to reduce severe disease across the population, while helping to protect the NHS. You definitively love to teach. I hope this email finds you well. Soon we will, oh, and you have to share that amazing cookie recipe with me!! Your class was the first one at New York Tech that gave me such feelings. You dont need to provide your whole life story here, but it can be helpful to give a little context. I just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated and loved. I was always longing for a class that actually feels like a college-level class where students read research papers related to class material, gain better understanding, and actually get smarter. I am really glad that Virginia Tech decided to change the grading policy to aid students in boosting their GPAs. This message has some end of the semester items, vaccination information and a look forward to the fall semester. Manage your expectations and consider what is good enough for this semester. This is not merely for this past semester but for the past three and a half years. I know that it has been difficult to feel seen. Together for Maine. Thank you for keeping me company during these times and I cherish all the laughter. Thank you for always being there for us, making sure your lessons were clear, grading was prompt, you were always understanding of our needs and taking an interest in our cultural differences. I really appreciate how nice and understanding you have been throughout this entire semester. There are but a few professors over the years of academia that I have undergone to which I can truly say Thank you; thank you for looking to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of your students. It goes without saying that the past year has been difficult: We have reached the point where commenting on the myriad hardships of the pandemic feels flat. past ten days preparing to convene your classes remotely. Carlos A. Vazquez, Facilities Management & Operations (FMO) director of custodial operations, to Bill Walter, FMO assistant vice president, and Tom Daley, FMO associate vice president. Ricketts Ends Coronavirus State of Emergency. I wish you many more years of success! Ive CCed Dean X for assistance in getting in touch with you. I was always fearful of taking [subject] and didnt do too well in undergrad when I took the course. This semester has been difficult and I know that I have fallen behind on many of the assignments for your class. how we can be flexible and equitable with our students, who will face varying difficulties Knowing the class policy can also inform how you phrase your request and ensure that you dont get read the syllabus as a response. Thank you very much. She continues to be the glue that holds this whole effort together, working to support our staff, our students, and our faculty.