phrases for the end of something

It is not even the beginning of the end. The lost puppy was a wet and stinky dog. I think there's something to that. 13. Play to the end. There are thousands of way to end a speech aside from "Thank You" (Try a quote, an inspirational sentence or even an image or a video) Be inspirational, you want people to think about what you said afterwards. Votes: 2, John D. Rockefeller said that he found friendships based on business to be far more long lasting and profitable than the reverse. All Rights Reserved. And faith is not something you can prove; faith is personal opinion. Win-win: A situation or result that is beneficial/good for everyone (involved). Just as painful either way, but you have something to show for it at the end of the day with a song. He pointed at me, nodding. 6. It's like tumbling into a field of stars. Reach out: Attempt to communicate. Like a silent hatchet had sliced the ties between them, ties through which warm blood still flowed, along with a quiet pulse. Having no particular sense of direction and having no will to change. Regina Spektor, The end, the last, the limit, that at which something stops, that whereby something is restricted to what it is. Curious, that this was what his life amounted to! Here are 30 words and phrases that will help you communicate effectively when working on business projects. C. S. Lewis. 2. I'm just into a girl with a really good personality, something that goes beyond looks. Nit even if you died. A lot! Tyler Hoechlin, Helen spent three days in Rhys Winterbournes's room babbling incessantly while he lay there feverish and mostly silent. Speech ending line: "Listen to politicians now, with their comprehensive 12-point plans. Josephine Tey, I set out to do a horror film with 'Dog Soldiers,' and what I came out with at the end of the day was something that was more of a cult movie, more of a black comedy with some horror elements in it. Whatever it is, you want it to be really good. Seneca. By the end of your shift. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. She leans back and wriggles her eyebrows. Almost always coupled with an insult or unsolicited advice, this phrase is a smarmier way to say, "Prepare to be disrespected.". phrase. What does the 'The End' phrase mean? Those days are gone, it's over now, we're moving on. Definitions, usage examples and translations inside. I couldn't care less about the leader board. Free thesaurus definition of to bring an end to something from the Macmillan English Dictionary . No madness, no frustration. Love.What might make you whole? After all it was only by luck that I was alive; I wanted to make something of my life, but I didn't know what. I knew I was very ignorant; I didn't know anyone I could turn to and I wanted to learn, so I began to read at haphazard. This idiom means to do what you promised to do as part of an agreement. Max Van Manen, For me, as an actor, one of the biggest fears on a TV show is getting stuck in something where you end up feeling like you're doing the same thing, every single year. Aum renunciates have already accepted, inside themselves, the end of the world, because when they become a renunciate, they discard themselves totally, thereby abandoning the world. (If the placement of the modifier causes confusion, then it is not "free" and must remain "bound" to the word it modifies.) It was the roar of water.Up he got off the ground to go and sort himself out. Examples include: "With all due respect, you're fired . 16. His house is located at the end of the street. But he looked forward to a time when he could repay her, could laugh at her or strike her as he saw fit. They lose something - but gain something in return. Anything. There is nothing wrong about the moonshine of generalization when it comes after the sunny trifles of the book have been lovingly collected. I don't believe in inspiration. I want to be able to joke around, be respectful of each other there are a lot of things that go into compatibility. If you don't mind, we'll leave questions till the end. He did not count his work, anyone could have done it. At the end is commonly used as a prepositional phrase that refers to a specific time or location. Sour grapes. So whatever you may be dealing with this week, and something you don't favor is actually happening, try not to resist it. Most bad guys think they're good. They both involve the killing of innocent people to achieve what the killers believe is a good end. "Endings are thus formally unappealing to me, more than beginning or ending, in life, I enjoy continuing. Signifying the end of something is a courteous way of reminding your audience to keep close attention. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. "And I will enjoy myself! As former Congressman Ed Forman says, 'Winners are those people who make a habit of doing things losers are uncomfortable doing.' Votes: 0, Now this is not the end. Votes: 2, I'm not a masochistic reader. A cruise down Europe's most famous rivers couldn't be any more disruptive than home, after all.Alice -I stood up shaking the laptop at nothing. The flu clinic had seen many cases of infectious disease. M. Craig Barnes, But for now he was alone and hurt and broken on the ground, the man, gravely wounded. Votes: 3 He had to do something to make it fair. ""Of course not," he said irritably. Of the two, I prefer the quick one. Sorry sight. I am too, though I still don't know what those stars are meant to represent. I think that's something that tennis has got to be proud of. Wasn't the point of love that it made you want to learn more, to immerse yourself, to become possessed? Some time ago I heard a nice English expression for this, but I forgot what it was. Get all the achievements/trophies out of it. "No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! The act of decision sweeps all before it, and the life of the individual maybe changed forever. Be concise, if you take too long you might run the risk of boring your audience. Keep them pain free and clean, love them but don't automatically try to get the last technology-produced breath from them. A company can end up being very Confucian, where the good of the individual is subjugated to the good of the whole. So many people think being single is the end of something, but it's really a beginning - a good beginning. But it's a very, very long, slow process. (p. 378). They would defend it against anything that came after it; taking risks in order to care for each other in the face of an indifferent world, working as hard as they could to nurture, preserve and protect what they had found and made. Votes: 2, I'm always looking to rock out. Fredrik Backman, Consensus isn't just about agreement. Not only does investing in your infrastructure provide very good construction jobs, at the end of the project, you have something. Votes: 2, I should really be lifting only five days. In other words, Aum is a collection of people who have accepted the end. Flowers closest to where he lay started to wilt in the heat of it. Mark Twain, In the end, as at the beginning, the divine turns out to be most interested in the unique life of the individual soul. A man cannot serve two masters, Jesus said, and a house divided cannot stand. Play it again at a harder difficulty. Thus marriage was already in his mind. You could say on the verge. What could be something that can provide us a transversal political sense of belonging? At the end of the day the question comes, what are you doing for the world? I do spend a lot of my time on the Internet, and often check out the different E-zines on the web, especially if something Iron Savior related is going down. Whatever it is, you want it to be really good. The end of France? Something you don't mind losing. ""Ball-hanging is too good for him. That is because if our inner state is dependent on something that is by definition inconstant, that inner state will also be inconstant. Me and my brother would ask for something with guns or fighting, but my dad would say, 'Come on, think about it.' Whereas, when you're dealing with faith, you can forever argue your point, or another point, because you're dealing with intangibles. Votes: 2, It's very hard to adapt something. By the end of the month, I felt so good, I just kept going. Eliot. She was like a woman to whom nothing could ever again happen. | Contact Us But it isn't really about rocking out versus being mellow, in terms of your personal satisfaction. For grace. He built a tower to try and be closer to her and walled himself inside. Or is that it: You get to the place where you land; you are tired now; you settle. Which is good, in a way, because the danger in doing something like STAR TREK is that you end up in that pigeonhole and you're doing that the rest of your life. Michael Chabon, I enjoy recording live better, but I think by the nature of it you are going to end up with something that's a little bit more traditional. "Morning will come, it has no choice.". "End of life decisions should not be made at the end of life.". 8. Here are some of the most overused words in content writing and some alternatives you can use instead. At your wits' end. Continuing is my only focus or concern." - Brian D'Ambrosio. The same way you fall in love! Somewhere she had learned all this. "Have some wild, reckless sex with him. Deyth Banger, But the grind has begun. "The End of Something" is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway, published in the 1925 New York edition of In Our Time, by Boni & Liveright. Generally, I preferred people to be falling in and out of love, but I didn't mind so much if they tried their hand at something else. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah, People in the real world always say, when something terrible happens, that the sadness and loss and aching pain of the heart will "lessen as time passes," but it isn't true. Roald Dahl, It was the end of something - if not his innocence, at least of his faith that things would always happen gradually enough to afford time to do something about it in. go off the deep end; fag end . Because there are leaders and there are those who lead. Charles De Lint, I need to give you one last bit of advice in the off chance this rather extraordinary and enviable situation in which you find yourself is actually true- that somehow you've fallen deep down into a Cordova story. At the end of the day. But there are a few signifiers. It's startling the number of games people own but haven't beaten for one reason or another. - Sitemap. Where does it stop? It's like looking - or talking - through a kind of word-telescope that, no matter which end they choose, distorts the truth. Give us something to do, anything; but spare us the indignity of this indiscriminate acceptance. "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." "Winnie The Pooh" by A.A. Milne. But I've been really fortunate to have people on my team who are optimistic about the future and who know that if you work through hard times that there's usually something good at the end. K. Bromberg, I never thought I'd end up as a computer freak, but that's how the cookie crumbles. I want to believe it all leads to something grander than the imagination, grander than the end-stop of the Pacific. At the end is used in the idiom "at the end of the day." which means something similar to in the end (= when everything is considered). At the end of it, you come up with something that everyone thinks is okay. In the future. Does it ever? I prefer to work with things that are custom made for my kind of animation. To conclude. I was beginning to feel really annoyed. Vladimir Nabokov, The members of the family were like pillars in a Renaissance cloister, he thought, individually contributing to the whole design. In this way, it is an adverb. The phrase can only be used the start of a sentence, and cannot appear anywhere else. 107. Tell us that at the end of the day there will at least be one redeeming card of our very own. Anonymous, We are all in search of feeling more connected to reality - to other people, the times we live in, the natural world, our character, and our own uniqueness. Restriction as enclosure in the current appearance. I couldn't do anything about it and to add to the situation, there was a cameraman on me that was sending images to the Jumbotron. Votes: 2. Giving 110%. 1. SO WHAT! It may be something very simple and inconsequential in itself. Bernard Cornwell, Lost Wax" My love gives me some wax,so for once instead of wordsI work at something real;I knead until I see emergea person, a protagonist;but I must overwork my wax,it loses it's resiliency,comes apart in crumbs.I take another block;this work, I think, will be a self;I can feel it forming, browand brain; perhaps it will be me,perhaps, if I can create myself,I'll be able to amend myself;my wax, though, freezesthis time, fissures, splits.Words or wax, no endto our self-shaping, our forlornawareness at the end of whichis only more awareness.Was ever truth so malleable?Arid, inadhesive bits of matter.What might heal you? This means that one moment we're happy, but as soon as that which our happiness depended upon changes, our happiness also changes. Votes: 2, People who don't make something good of what they've got are bound to end up desperate. They had always said they could smell him because he was a demigod - the half-blood son of some old Roman god. Dean Koontz. Votes: 2, Somewhere in your house is a game that could use a good beating. Answer (1 of 23): Ouroboros The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a snake or serpent eating its own tail, signifying infinity and the cycle of birth and death. 2. I wish I could just be like everybody else, but it's so much better to know that when the end comes, you'll be safe. It is the central irony of my life that when I want something and end up getting it, it makes me profoundly uncomfortable. Love. George Orwell, So seek beauty, Miss Prim. Change is painful. So you've maxed out all your points. Football was my second love, but luckily, I turned out to be pretty good. Such a love was too precious to put in jeopardy. "This chick tells me there's no meaning to life but it doesn't matter, we'll just flow right out. Those large rather heroic qualities only the good have the strength to carry on their shoulders. How do we measure it? But they well know, that if it were seen by others, as it is seen by them, the juggle could not be kept up; they are in the condition of men who get their living by a show, and to whom the folly of that show is so familiar that they ridicule it; but were the audience to be made as wise in this respect as themselves, there would be an end to the show and the profits with it. The STANDS4 Network . I would begin here, I would make something happen. But the pleasure doesn't last because the "do something" feeling commands your attention again. Louis MacNeice, Steve is troubled by a lot of things. 21 Literary Quotes On Beginnings, Middles, And Endings. Richard House, I remember the odd sensation of living in the middle of that experience and feeling, simultaneously, like it was something happening at telescopic distance. to stop providing a product or service. It's an unfolding, the beginning of something different. At close quarters. When you look at something that's really good, it might be Iggy Pop or it might be Leonard Cohen. I think there's something to that. II find most people spend too much time living as if they're never going to die. Here are the 15 best alternatives 'in conclusion' to begin/transition to your conclusion: In summary. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending. A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go party, But we're commanded by God to warn people. Toni Sorenson, I feel very strongly that all Japanese at that time had the idea drilled into them of 1999 being the end of the world. Rewrite the sentence so that the preposition comes before its object. I prefer to work with things that are custom made for my kind of animation. Please interrupt me, if there is something which needs clarifying. Nothing is more boring or more unfair to the author than starting to read, say, Madame Bovary, with the preconceived notion that it is a denunciation of the bourgeoisie. Steve Yarbrough, It always sounds more right to me when it's detuned. - Anonymous. All Rights Reserved. The essence of the poetry does not lie in the thing described or in the message imparted but in the resulting concrete unity, the poem. It referred to a tool: a carpet tack. Michael Meade, In reading, one should notice and fondle details. But every end also contains the seeds of a new and better beginning. I'm sort of obsessed, and I end up going in six, sometimes seven, and that's not good. Over time, people used this idiom more in the sense of guns and knives. Percy had tried rolling in mud, splashing through creeks, even keeping air-freshener sticks in his pockets so he'd have that new car smell; but apparently demigod stink was hard to mask. It requires something you didn't know before or a skill you didn't have before. It's just the place where you stop the story.". Twitter would not exist today if people working on that project couldn't understand phrases like "pitch in" and "meet the deadline." Luckily, there are many common business phrases used when talking about projects. "He glanced at her, puzzled. - Marty Rubin. I don't think anything's changed for the best. I want readers to be scared; I want them to be moved. But whatever you do, do not preach grace. Lord, if it is not too much to ask, send us to bed with a few shreds of self-respect upon which we can congratulate ourselves. Yenz Leonhardt, My needs were simple I didn't bother much with themes or felicitous phrases and skipped fine descriptions of weather, landscapes and interiors. We remain always swinging from one extreme to another and not realizing why. That was nothing verily but the perfection of the charm - or nothing rather but their excluded disinherited state in the presence of it. The preferred version is "by the end of business.". The word "though," when we use it at the end of a sentence, indicates a contrast to the statement that comes directly before. I yelled at the small living room filled with boxes that I had yet to unpack. But this question would perhaps be more appropriate to another inquiry; happiness seems, however, even if it is not god-sent but comes as a result of virtue and some process of learning and training, to be among the most god-like things; for that which is the prize and end of virtue seems to be the best thing in the world, and something god-like and blessed. The essence of the poetry does not lie in the thing described or in the message imparted but in the resulting concrete unity, the poem. This is what I aim at because the point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it. If deep down we know something is true but we walk around pretending it isn't, it creates a conflict; and this conflict, in turn, prevents the different parts of ourselves from communicating with each other effectively. Accept it, and you will find an inner peace that will make it all better. I believe that you get to your desk, you stay there, you work, you think of nothing else. With the people we love. I've had one. ~ A. S. Byatt. But a rat came and bothered me, and shortly afterward a procession of cockroaches arrived and camped in my hair. Something just drew me to football; besides, I ended up being too short for my position in basketball. She read the last chapter of her book because she didn't want to start something that would end badly. Not by a long shot. At the end of the day, without an alternative we end up with populism in the name of very narrow identities. At the end of the day, they're happy if you do the obvious songs towards the end of the set and you've got to try and make yourself happy by doing certain songs at the front end of the set. Parts of us get split off and ignored. In the wake of the decision, yes, even as a part of the decision itself, energy is released. Caring about something may be, in the end, nothing more than a certain complex mode of wanting it. He would do it by the church and by the law, which are much the same thing, but I wanted to see a pattern in the strands of life. When you are born, the only guarantee is that life will end one day. And in the midst of this, i waited for something to happen. By including the word "end" we are signifying that our presentation or speech is coming to a close very soon. The end of kings? He'd choose more involving films like 'Pulp Fiction,' and at the end of the night, we'd agree that they were great. I mean I'm told these days we have to consider ourselves as being in society but in the end one knows one is alone, that one lives at the heart of a solitude. It's not the end of the world. There are years of dying. Then they wanted me to go to work. The first thing he felt it become was courage and the next thing was desire. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. "He made me think we were going to get married at the end of this trip! . You have to end some things to move on to bigger and better things. A hundred yards down the slope, something rustled through the woods - snapping branches, crunching leaves, hissing. end phrase. It kind of went over the top. Every beginning has an end. Shelley Berkley. ""I will take that trip!" More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginning of all wars - yes, an end to this brutal, inhuman and thoroughly impractical method of settling the differences between governments. Dave Eggers, Life is better than death. "She stared at him for a moment as if waiting for something. The thing about series television is that is very difficult the aspect of never knowing where your character is going or where she'll end up. This phrase is used to express that a . "I don't know," he says. I feel like until you're with the person, the person you end up marrying, you don't ever really know what you're looking for. They're not inspiring anybody. The same way you invent. be-all and end-all: Something considered to be of the utmost importance; something essential or ultimate. People who don't make something good of what they've got are bound to end up desperate. They had known love. Example: The end is nigh; prepare yourselves to leave. COLLOCATIONS - Meaning 2: a situation in which something is finished or no longer exists verbs come to an end (= end) Arsenal's ten-match unbeaten run came to an end with a 3-2 defeat at United. You have no idea. Personally, I think, faith is what you ask of somebody when you don't have the goods to prove your point. You build a home and raise a family. And to make an end is to make a beginning.". When this new world has been closely studied, then and only then let us examine its links with other worlds, other branches of knowledge. God's hand is the blessing of what He does. There will be time for questions after my presentation. Now if there is any gift of the gods to men, it is reasonable that happiness should be god-given, and most surely god-given of all human things inasmuch as it is the best. Teens and members of Gen Z are using a slew of new slang terms, many of which are confusing to older generations. You want something a little bit 'tasty'. Axe to grind. The business end is the working end (or the functional end) of something. To fix the problem either: Add the object of the preposition to the end of the sentence. Somewhere in your house is a game that could use a good beating. He scales a ladder to the ceiling, climbs a tree, pole, watchtower. I'm not certain that there are such things as measures of our spirituality, but if there are, then gratitude is probably the best one. Do something. I never thought I'd end up doing comedy, but actually, it's been something I've really relished the challenge of and ended up doing quite a bit of. And this is where we are lost in the process. It is not even the beginning of the end. Sharp, defenitive decision. You end up stuck, alone and in the disparate points of chaos that drag you down, you have to come up with something to save yourself. sir tode, who up to this point had been listening quietly, had evidently had enough. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." We are all of us alone. Nothing looks more lovely than something that's about to end, and that's true even if you yourself are going to be the cause of its ending. - T.S. And so, he created the French people. It was life itself. God's hand expresses His provision for needs in our lives. not be able to tell one end (of something) from the other; not be the end of the world; not know one end (of something) from another; "And? As I came towards the end of my education, I thought I must find something or I'll never meet any of these people again. March born kids come under the signs of Pisces or Aries. 'A blessing in disguise' - An misfortune that eventually results in something good happening later on. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. But at the end of the day, it's all about frequencies and what they do to you. For days on end a person may drift along without much energy. We seek evidence of threats to feel safe, and we get a dopamine boost when we find what we seek. He struggled to control his voice, while at the same time he became aware of a real pain gripping his chest. One day, without warning, they vanished, with no explanation, no word of farewell. | Privacy Policy "I feel it's insane," he says, and his voice drops. Find 38 ways to say ENDING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. That it: you get to the end 've got are bound to some! No choice. & quot ; made me think we were going to get married at the end at that... In other words, Aum is a courteous way of reminding your audience to keep close attention roar of he! Win-Win: a situation or result that is because if our inner state is dependent on something that beyond. He saw fit of direction and having no will to change now he was alone hurt... 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