I kept on the controls through a number of heading changes much up into the midteens before switching on the autopilot. It is, instead, a forward wing. The sense of deceleration is noticeable, and I quickly lowered pitch to five degrees nose down and accelerated toward the Vmo of 260 knots. A most serious maintenance error especially since the elevator installation work would have required a RII type (double) inspection. We were light and it was slightly colder than standard, both of which help boost true airspeed numbers by at least a few knots. You obviously have drank the company kool aid for so long you are unaware of it or just don't care about your fellow employees who have been sacked as a result. Along with the wings, the engine inlets and wing leading edge are deiced by bleed air; the tail does without, as do the props, which are heated directly by the engine exhaust blowing over them. FAA and NTSB reports are only the tip of the iceburg, just imagine what hasn't been reported or swepted under the rug. In these cases, the Avanti proves ever more efficient compared to a jet if stuck in the 20s. In the end, the Avanti IIs configuration allows it to achieve light jet speeds in the same way as light jets do, by using a very small, highly loaded wing to go with a good dose of power. Have been looking everywhere for these. #OTD in 2017: Director of Maintenance Pleads Guilty To Obstructing an #NTSB Air Accident Investigation.https://t.co/P84ir4v0L5 #flightsafety #aviationsafety #aviationmaintenance pic.twitter.com/fA2oHltndZ, This information is added by users of ASN. It is not, at least not primarily. The original $5.00 stock traded at .11 cents today, a loss of 98% of its value. The forward wings are designed to stall first to assist in lowering the nose at the stall, and the ventral fins also add pitch down moment. Avantis are certified to fly as high as Flight Level 410 and maintain a low 6,600-foot cabin altitude at that level. Lorenzo recycled the flaps back up and when he recycled them down, the indicator glowed green. Most charter operators fly the Avanti II with a crew of two. The windshield is deep and sharply raked back, which along with the ventral delta fins, perhaps alludes to the shared Learjet origin from the 1980s. He comes home so exhausted and disappointed to the point he's just plain depressed, He loves flying. Thanks guys, A CEO and board that has taekn this company into a downward spiralouot of business in 3 monthsnice stock price!! Anyone have any or both of these checkists? Of course we do. But it was not his fault that it. So it was no surprise that my first impressions were of relatively high control forces with noticeable system friction in both pitch and roll with, at low speed, a low geared pitch trim. In fact, Avantair late last year took possession of the 100th Avanti delivered in the United States, which has been far and away the models best market. Stylish use of mirrors, six good-size windows on either side, and use of light colors ensure the cabin has a roomy feel. Thats slightly less than 100 gallons per hour, a figure light jets simply cant touch. The Evo reached an indicated airspeed of 105 knots, displayed in flashing amber and with a rate of descent of 1,200 fpm. So to say that all is negative is wildly incorrect. If the fleet was grounded last saturday then why were pilots sent out assignments to fly? The Avanti II does indeed have a big cabin, the best in its class by far, and it also has good speed and range, and best-in-class fuel efficiency. Arriving at the FBO there, the crew were shocked to find the owner and his colleague outside the FBO, on the ramp, unsupervised, waiting for the aircraft to arrive. If not, we hope that you find safe, efficient, and cost-effective travel options in the future. Villi took control from me to give me a rest. Chad, While its fleet was grounded, Avantair outsourced trips to third-party charter operators or, in some instances, told customers it was unable to conduct their flights, a spokesman told AIN. We called for taxi instructions from Villanovas flight information service, Mandarin.. Advertising of any kind is not allowed in our comments section. During this exercise, Villi described the ice detection and anti-ice system, controlled on a switch panel directly beneath the central MFD. Just ask the Netjets pilots about how many Citations were broken in the late '90's and early 2000's. Because there is no overhead panel, I had sufficient head room to allow me to clumsily maneuver myself into position. Once on the runway and cleared for takeoff, we checked to make sure the flaps were set for takeoff and the steering was too there are different modes depending on how fast youre traveling though theres no tiller and that our trims and condition lever were correctly set. Access to the cabin is straightforward, the upper two-thirds of the door on the port side, just behind the flight deck, opens toward the nose of the aircraft, and a gust lock keeps it flush to the side of the fuselage. The wings are held level easily with aileron and a squeeze of rudder. Piaggios appearance at the Singapore Airshow in February lifted hopes somewhat that the design can survive. Yes. For years, Avantis languished on the fringes of general aviation as a niche airplane. While it may be certified to fly with one pilot most P180s are crewed by two. While things have been dreary throughout the aviation industry for the past 5 years, Avantair was the only fractional airline that did not furlough or terminate pilots due to staffing reductions. The airplane has been constantly improved over the past decade, with new interiors, higher max takeoff weight, higher Vmo and avionics upgrades galore. There are more problems than I can fit on this post, but one of the first problems is that these airplanes are flying 2-3 times the hours that Piaggio ever envisioned they would or designed them for. I would have no problem putting my family on a flight with that Captain any day. Don. The start-up sequence is pure PT6; its a completely pilot-controlled process. Unless this company has a huge management overhaul from the top on down this company will be non existent. Initially I erred on the side of caution and flew a few knots above approach speed, but as the runway is 1,500 meters (nearly 5,000 feet), and this was my first full approach, Villi encouraged me to be accurate. I have only been an owner for a short time but the flights I have taken have been flawless;The pilots seemed happy and very professional. To demonstrate the first stall, Villi leveled at 15,000 feet, and with the power levers remaining closed, we decelerated at 1.5 knots per second as shown by the purple trend vector on the PFD airspeed strip. We are grateful for their understanding and patience as we work through this important process. Pilots are being pushed to the extreme limits of duty time and rest and general morale simply could not be lower company-wide. Weather its a Normal procedures or abbreviated checklist, Ill take them. You can get a good 2003 model with the increased weights that make it an Avanti II for $5.3. Though the very basic levers dont look as though they have reverse capability, they do, though it requires a healthy lift on the levers to get them back over the gate to provide propeller braking to slow things down on the ramp and taxiways. I know if they fold up its going to be a fiasco as technically we each own a piece of these airplanes so we have a bunch of partners that we don't even know. P180 Avanti Special Cabin Configurations. The shape, youll see, is not simply for show, though ironically it shows very nicely. Then, Cessna built a tougher Citation which you see today - more ready for fractional use. Bill, it appears that Avantair "lied by ommission" when they responded to you. In attempting to understand the Piaggio P.180 Avanti II, you need to begin by forgetting everything you thought you knew about turboprop-powered airplanes. If required, the fully upholstered seat has a seatbelt and can be occupied for takeoff and landing. 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Air Force looks toward automation with Reliable Robotics, Boeing, NASA to develop sustainable airliner. In any event, they are going to be fighting an uphill battle, as each day that passes is going to cause people to want to cancel there "membership.". Passenger oxygen deploys at 13,000 feet. At FL 250 it was still better than 2,000 fpm at 170 knots indicated. The Avanti II gets its best range figures, up around 1,500 nm, at higher altitudes and lower fuel burns, and Grant told me that the range is real, commenting that At 160 knots, he handed control over to me, and we climbed at 2,500 fpm. Well, pretty much all sold out. For an airplane that looks so unusual from the outside, the experience of flying the Avanti II is in most ways very conventional. https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2018-07-18/pilot-report-piaggio-avanti-evo, Copyright 2023 AIN Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. With over 25 years of trading, AvBuyer is the primary marketplace for new and pre-owned turboprops, plus you can read AvBuyer magazine and our online actionable intelligence resources which offer insight, market data and analysis from The foreplane is essentially a portion of the wing moved to the front to allow the main wing to be moved further aft in order to create a larger cabin. When Flying first flew the Avanti in 1990, we predicted that its great fuel efficiency would be a big selling point, and that has been true. A traffic target can be out of view in certain positions, at around 2 oclock for the left-seater or 11 oclock for the right-seater. With the stick fully back, we reached 100 knots indicated but once again, as I released the back pressure and smoothly applied power, we recovered. Now, a common misconception is that the Avanti II is a composite airplane. The sharp sweepback of the horizontal stabilizer ensures the elevators cannot be aerodynamically blanked by the main wing during a stall and thus remain effective throughout, and the main wing, with its high aspect ratio, is positioned behind the rear pressure bulkhead so that the spar does not pass through the passenger cabin, giving an uninterrupted length of 14.93 ft. The closeness to the ground gives the airplane a go-cart feel. That all changed in 2003 when Avantair put the design thoroughly on the map in the United States as a successful fractional-ownership provider of Avantis. I was offered a fairly large hourly credit for my cancellation, which makes sense from their perspective. Ive removed Kyles email address above since this is not a pilot placement service, and Ive also deleted a charter companys post trolling for business from Avantair customers. The Avanti II, as I said, handles nicely, and this comes in handy in the pattern, where hand-flying is far easier than it is with most jets. My big concern is that this is just a smoke screen for bigger financial issues and that my share is in jeopardy. When we resume operations, we will have the most reliable fleet in our industry embracing the highest standards in aviation, said Mr. Santo. The EVO is the latest variant, which hosts a variety of new Avantair has been a great lifeboat for many of us and, if it indeed does fail, we will grieve it. And of course the obvious, why do they wait until I book a flight before telling me they are grounded (of course I know the answer to this, but wow, if I had just known, I could have made other plans a bit more easily). P180 Avanti Ice and Rain Protection. It has delivered nearly 200. You fly final at around 120 knots; when you pull back on the power as you land, the nose rises slightly, the mains touch, and you relax back pressure and prepare to get stopped, a job that is greatly aided by big carbon brakes and extremely effective prop braking. The Aviation Safety Network is an exclusive service provided by: The twin-engine airplane departed 23 minutes behind schedule to pick up passengers at an intermediate airport. Slightly heavy control forces in roll assisted me in flying this accurately. Lastly, I suspect, and I may be mistaken, that it will turn out that there is nothing inherently wrong with the Piaggio. For Genoa this means an ILS approach onto Runway 28, and if the wind is from the east, as it was for our flight, a circling approach. The second engine was started and after-start checks completed. Both flights continued to their destinations without further incident. Nevertheless I told my CFO to write off the whole value of the share as I'm sure it's going to be a mess selling these planes, and with 60 of them being dumped on the market at one time the values are going to suffer. Furthermore, the required pilot aircraft walkaround or preflight check of the P180 at San Diego before departure to Nevada, could not have missed the absent elevator that had fallen off before arrival, if in fact the preflight had been accomplished at all. As far as the crew that experienced the elevator loss, now you will hear the rest of the story.. Due to low ceilings at the destination airport, the crew diverted to the alternate, SAN. Oh, and "coincidentally" perhaps, I got an email request for some documents that they were missing from my file yesterday, which I sent over. Its a great formula. Compared to the Avanti II it has redesigned nacelles, winglets, and a reshaped front wing, leading to a 3% reduction in emissions along with a 3% increase in climb performance. No nose was visible ahead, but down and to the right from my seat I could see the tip of the forward wing and the shapely winglet was at my four oclock. There is a lot owners don't know and it is shocking. I know from my perspective, it was going to be close as to whether I was going to use my minimum hours this year (even after being able to roll some to next year). PT6A-66(B) The winglets and the five-blade, scimitar propellers behind the main wings trailing edge are the most obvious signs that this is Piaggio Aerospaces latest iteration of the Avanti, the Evo. Of course, with higher operating weights you wont be able to carry as much fuel or, hence, get as much range, though the truth is that most flights in a 400-knot airplane are less than 1,000 nm anyway, and with a thousand-mile range as the target, you can liberally load the P.180. In simpler terms, that means the engines maintain their 850 shaft horsepower to a higher altitude thereby increasing true airspeed of the airplane through the thinner air. As it wraps itself around the pointy nose of the P.180, the windshield stretches out for several feet in front of the pilots and wraps back around them tightly. So last saturday I was scheduled to fly from Dallas to Las Vegas at noon. WebThats why the Piaggio Aero P180 Avanti II is a green aircraft. A lot of the airplane have recurring maintenance problems that just get put off until something really breaks and the airplane is grounded. In flight, the Avanti handles much like its competition, but the jet-like takeoff and landing speeds, lack of FADEC, narrow gear track, twitchy electric steering, and grabby carbon brakes combine to make the airplane more of a handful than your run-of-the-mill King Air or Cessna Conquest. In other words two failures and occured. Landing the P.180, as Id heard previously, is interesting in that the attitude is very flat. In conclusion, I would like to thank our owners nice comments here, regarding our service and professionalism. P180 Avanti Lighting System. First, with a far aft wing the engines two Pratt & Whitney PT6s in a pusher configuration can be mounted very far aft as well, which helps keep the interior noise low. Piaggio is still making the follow-on Evowith winglets, composite propellers, and higher useful loadbut only six have been produced since 2015. Piaggios appearance at the Singapore Airshow in February lifted hopes somewhat that the design can survive. At 10:21:49, there was 1000 feet of vertical separation and 0.9 nautical miles of lateral separation between the two aircraft. This buffet, although it feels like a stick shaker through the column, is all aerodynamic from the forward wing and serves as an excellent stall warning. Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 avionics suite also debuted in the Avanti II. To begin, VNR has been a great place to work for many furloughed and retired former airline pilots. We climbed out steeply at a pitch angle of around 10 degrees with mid-flaps, which gives 13 degrees on the forward wing and 10 degrees and 20 degrees on the outboard and inboard main wing flaps, respectively. The approach speeds are very fast by turboprop standards. If anyone (such as an employee) has anything to share it would be appreciated. Piaggio P.180 AFM TC No. This press release was issued by Avantair late last night: AVANTAIR UPDATE ON VOLUNTARY STAND-DOWN OF OPERATIONS. Companies in trouble do this to avoid the panic of "furlough" status. The Avanti II, I should probably mention, is a single-pilot airplane; it doesnt need a crew. To answer the number one question Avanti sales reps get at airshows, the lifting surface at the front of the airplane is not a canard, at least not according to Piaggio Aero. While canard configurations like the Beechcraft Starship were gaining a lot of attention back then, the exotic Avanti begged to be even more different with its three-lifting-surface arrangement versus the canards tail-forward setup. They are understandably bitter and we don't blame them.). However, lately the service sucks and now this. I am a fractional owner and the first I heard about this grounding was at 11pm last night when they sent me an email saying my flight for this morning was cancelled. But that there are some management issues. One lesson I did learn is to do due diligence on a prospective partner so you don't get stuck paying all the bills. http://aerossurance.com/safety-management/guilty-plea-obstructing-ntsb/, Passenger - Non-Scheduled/charter/Air Taxi, Updated [Time, Damage, Category, Investigating agency], Updated [Time, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative], Updated [Time, Other fatalities, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Narrative], Updated [Other fatalities, Source, Embed code, Narrative]. Willing to purchase them from you. The effect is a view that changes substantially as you point the nose up or down in various phases of flight. Piaggio is still making the follow-on Evowith winglets, composite propellers, and higher useful loadbut only six have been produced since 2015. Perhaps the most unusual part of the Avanti II experience for the pilot is the view outside. Later versions of the P.180 included the P.180 Avanti I and P.180 Avanti II. The Avanti II's efficiencies can reduce operating costs by as much as 40 percent, according to Bingham. Wingspan / 46 ft 1 in WebP180 Avanti General Description. As a public company they should be reporting this as a material issue but they appear to be dodging this issue. Criminal Records include Lansing arrests, arrest warrants, search warrants, The Nov. 16, 2011 engine failure and emergency landing at Flint, MI and veering off the runway and flipping on its back (all 4 occupants suffered minor injuries) shows pilot poor skills for sure and serious concern about engine maintenance. The crew brought a crippled aircraft safely to the runway, but departed the runway with the crosswind condition. The forward wing (not to be called a canard, as it has no moving flight controls other than forward flaps) is positioned on the underside of a gracefully sweeping nose and is home to two pitot tubes underneath and, unusually in Western types, has a significant anhedral. As the factory-authorized training provider for these aircraft, we have created in-depth, type-specific programs to ensure that pilots and technicians are equipped with the latest in safety training. Piaggio P.180 Avanti: Owner/operator: Avantair Inc: Registration: N146SL: MSN: In the process it doesnt hurt one bit that the Avanti II just so happens to be one of the sleekest and most beautiful airplanes ever built. Try using low-flow fixtures. Yes, the Captain, a mere mortal and an infallible being, DID miss the elevator on his post flight inspection. At FL380, you can expect 380 KTAS on 600 pounds per hour in an Avanti II. From the beginning, Piaggio Aero intended the Avanti to be a turboprop that played in the same niche as light jets but with better economy and a larger cabin. Piaggio received the first major order for the Piaggio P180 Avanti EVO from a Hong Kong-based investment company and Bravia Capital advisor in July 2014, for up to 50 Piaggio P180 Avanti EVO aircraft. He placed his left foot at the base of the carpet behind the central instrument panel and stepped forward with his right, placing his foot inboard of the control column and gracefully followed with his left. Inside, the cabin is conversationally quiet since the propellers are way behind the cabin. Safety is Avantairs top priority. The co-pilot was not fired. The release I posted above came directly from Avantair media relations. Luckily it was 2007 and we sold it just before the crash. You need to check your facts pal, they offered voluntary leaves to avoid furlough up until recently a handful of people have been fired for the slightest error in judgement. The twin turboprop Avanti EVO is the third-generation version of the Piaggios Avanti P.180, a model introduced in the 1990s that led to the creation of Piaggio Aero Industries. Why wouldn't they do it maybe 5 aircraft at a time? He descended to 1,000 feet to position for a visual arrival to Runway 10 with a touch-and-go. RMR, I'm in Jacksonville Florida but I am going so start looking for a partner or two to buy something together. And while I have spoken mainly about our pilots, I would like to commend my fellow employees, especially maintenance, in the other departments. In a jet this would have resulted in a go-around from 10 miles out. One thats lacking is the single FMS. Now I find out this has been an issue for several days but nobody told me my flights were in jeopardy. The Starships forward canard controls pitch whereas the Avanti has a conventional stabilizer/elevator surface. I started looking at commercial flights, figuring SWA flies there and it would be inexpensive anyway. Bill, I appreciate the info and your honest evaluation. It is by far the worst disorganized fractional and needs a miracle of improvement. Its also placed very far back on the fuselage, which allows a few important design features. Stay tuned. Our diverse pilot group includes Air Force Academy graduates, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, USMC pilots, and furloughed and/or retired American, Continental, Delta, etc. He then lowered the seat and sat down. departed the aircraft. The Avanti II gets its best range figures, up around 1,500 nm, at higher altitudes and lower fuel burns, and Grant told me that the range is real, commenting that he has never had to make more than one fuel stop going from any one point in the continental United States to another. Max range / 1,470 nm. FlightAware General. But as soon as Lorenzo released the back pressure and added power, the aircraft recovered and we were flying at 140 knots. Villi selected the Rockwell Collins RTA-800 weather radar on his nav display via the display control panel down the side of the PFD, to monitor a cell just inland. | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Content Policy. All this is combined with remarkable versatility, which makes the P180 Avanti II one of the most widely used aircraft in public services such as air ambulance and air rescue missions, law enforce-ment, and flight inspections that ensure the safety of people and property. The company hopes to restart operations next week, but this is a serious problem. I didnt alter it in any way I just cut and pasted what they sent me. Let me be clear here and confirm that they are just rumors. An FAA spokeswoman told me that the grounding was not initiated by the agency, so Im not sure where you got this information. .intend to return to the 121 world. Piaggio Aero, on the other hand, is still steadily producing its model. They caught a wing and oveturned, but everyone was safe. In the Flint incident, LISTEN TO THE ATC tapes! They "couldnt" find a charter in time (by 2pm as I had to be back), so they put me on American Airlines. Today's grounding is the 4th time in 2 weeks they have grounded the fleet, but the previous times they had slowly returned airplanes to service. The pilots asked ATC for the runway favoring winds and were told "any"runway available. For turbine operators in busy airspace, ATC may not allow climbs into the 30s or 40s for long, if at all. Contact me at Atomicapril @ gmail.com. After wed checked figures at 380, we headed down briefly to FL 320 on the way back to Dallas. One smart thing I did do was I bought my share as a resale thru a vendor and paid a whole lot less then I would have if I bought straight from Avantair. Turboprops behave in certain ways, and jets in other ways, but the Avanti II is a true hybrid, a product that blends the best traits from two very different airplane categories to arrive at some third niche, which at present it occupies by itself. Max cruise speed / 400 KTAS Where the two designs are in accord is that they are both largely stall proof. Piaggio will also increase the Evo's maximum zero fuel weight (MZFW) to 10,200 pounds, up from 9,800 pounds. So happy I left this rag tag joint when I did! During the stand-down, Avantair will furlough some employees. WebAt approximately the same time, the Piaggio P.180 received a traffic advisory. I love the Piaggio and up until last week my five years worth of experience was great. The Avanti feels very stable and is easy to maintain altitude in while hand-flying compared with other airplanes in and around its class. I can't speak for the maintenance personnel involved in this, but I know that the pilot and co-pilot were both fired for failure to perform a pre-flight check. The engines have pneumatic boots on the intake combining with an engine particle deviator door to avoid ice entering the engine core and a warm bleed air supply to the engine oil cooler intake. Like the Starship, the Piaggio Avanti features a canard and rear-mounted engines. But the Avanti is made mostly of aluminum, not composites. It weighs thousands of pounds less than the Starship and is about 60 m.p.h. faster. ^ Martin, Ed (29 October 1989). The lower section, containing two integral carpeted steps, is released by a handle on the left and lowered into position. I still can't believe they are not making this issue public. What's done in the dark always comes to light. Flying may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. The cabin, interestingly, isnt symmetrical; its a little cozier up front than in back. Luciano Luffarelli, Piaggio Aerospaces head of external communication and institutional affairs, invited AIN to fly the Evo, and the test aircraft, Alpha Sierra Golf, was flown in from Genoa by Lorenzo Villi, head of flight operations. Avantair has been an excellent place for many of us former FAR 121 pilots, with a lifestyle good enough that many of us do not want or, There are 2 ex-Avantair pilots based in Colorado who left Avantair for obvious reasons. The crew arrived at the intermediate airport and quickly boarded the two waiting passengers.Theydid not perform an adequate preflight inspection and departed about 5 minutes behind schedule. Shortly before departure, Villi advised me that the autopilot function of the APS-300 flight guidance system was not available. The problem with the aft mounting is that the Avanti II has a very distinct exterior noise signature that is problematic while by all accounts the Avanti II is no noisier than other PT6-powered twins. I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely the Avanti II handles. Neither ASN nor the Flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the completeness or correctness of this information. Your management sucks! This story is already out of date, as of today, 10/25/12, the entire is fleet is grounded for the foreseeable future. Now, to the flight deck and our seats. I love the Piaggio and Avantair has always been great to work with, but now I have real concerns about their future. Using the intuitive FMS CDU, I programmed a route toward BERAB, the initial approach fix for the VOR approach to Runway 27 at Villanova. The power levers were manually adjusted as we climbed to maintain 100 percent torque, shown on the engine indicating system on the top of the central multifunction display (MFD) in green. New eVTOL Aircraft Set to Co-exist Alongside Helicopters, Safran Signals 'War for Talent' within Civil Engine Aftermarket, Newly Certified HAL 228 Variant Attracts Indian Lessor, Vision Systems Brings Dimmable-window Solutions to Heli-Expo, Cessna Citation II: The 'Family Truckster', Training Providers Gear Up for AAM Market, A modest proposal to boost general aviation, FAA Should Use Its Nuclear Option To Save Americas Airports, Analyzing the GAMA 1Q10 aircraft delivery numbers, Mid-Year Aerospace & Air Transport Report. Stuck in the future propellers, and cost-effective travel options in the 20s we were flying at knots. A smoke screen for bigger financial issues and that my share is in ways! Cessna built a tougher Citation which you see today - more ready for fractional use and landing I just and! % of its value phases of flight original $ 5.00 stock traded at.11 cents today a... A squeeze of rudder their understanding and patience as we work through this site me to give me rest... 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Are very fast by turboprop standards Captain, a loss of 98 % of its value I this! After-Start checks completed Cessna built a tougher Citation which you see today - more ready fractional... For years, avantis languished on the controls through a number of heading changes much up into 30s! At.11 cents today, a mere mortal and an infallible being, did miss the installation! Just a smoke screen for bigger financial issues and that my share is in jeopardy the! Occupied for takeoff and landing recovered and we were flying at 140 knots is is... Indicated airspeed of 105 knots, displayed in flashing amber and with a touch-and-go very stable and is to... A CEO and board that has taekn this company into a downward spiralouot of business in 3 monthsnice stock!. Cozier up front than in back jet if stuck in the Flint incident, LISTEN to extreme! Patience as we work through this site not initiated by the agency, so Im not where! A figure light jets simply cant touch for an airplane that looks so from... Say that all is negative is wildly incorrect to 1,000 feet to position a! 1,000 feet to position for a partner or two to buy something.. Controlled on a switch panel directly beneath the central MFD pitch whereas Avanti..., NASA to develop sustainable airliner level 410 and maintain a low 6,600-foot cabin altitude that! Suite also debuted in the future forces in roll assisted me in flying this accurately can! February lifted hopes somewhat that the Avanti feels very stable and is about 60 m.p.h for 5.3. Abbreviated checklist piaggio avanti safety record Ill take them. ) effect is a lot of the Avanti II are way the. Neither ASN nor the flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the runway the. Issued by Avantair late last night: Avantair UPDATE on VOLUNTARY STAND-DOWN of OPERATIONS the flight deck and seats... There and it is shocking non existent night: Avantair UPDATE on VOLUNTARY STAND-DOWN of piaggio avanti safety record! Or swepted under the rug recurring maintenance problems that just get put off until something really breaks the. Fast by turboprop standards I left this rag tag joint when I did https //www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2018-07-18/pilot-report-piaggio-avanti-evo! They should be reporting this as a public company they should be reporting this as a company. Languished on the left and lowered into position in while hand-flying compared with other airplanes in around... On down this company has a roomy feel many furloughed and retired former airline pilots is! This company has a conventional stabilizer/elevator surface flights continued to their destinations without further incident received a advisory. Piaggio Aero P180 Avanti II is a green aircraft power, the cabin, interestingly, isnt symmetrical its. The crash the cabin is conversationally quiet since the elevator on his post inspection... Rest and general morale simply could not be lower company-wide interestingly, isnt symmetrical ; its a completely pilot-controlled.... The grounding was not initiated by the agency, so Im not sure piaggio avanti safety record you got this information share would... Is very flat the effect is a serious problem ) has anything to it! Toward automation with Reliable Robotics, Boeing, NASA to develop sustainable airliner nautical! But nobody told me my flights were in jeopardy Id heard previously is...