341.011. Records Building . The commission may adopt and enforce rules to implement the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. The training is in modules and there is no charge for the training. 3.0862, eff. (a) A sanitary defect at a public drinking water supply system that obtains its water supply from underground sources shall be immediately corrected. (k) This section does not apply to a recreational water park that uses freshwater originating from a natural watercourse for recreational purposes and releases the freshwater back into the same natural watercourse. (a) Public drinking water must be free from deleterious matter and must comply with the standards established by the commission or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Sec. (b) A public drinking water supply system furnishing drinking water from underground sources may not be established in a place subject to possible pollution by floodwaters unless the system is adequately protected against flooding. The standards: (A) a minimum sufficient water flow of at least 250 gallons per minute for at least two hours; and. (2) removal from office in the same manner as a municipal health authority. Following the surfacing will be a final inspection. 16 (S.B. (l-1) Rules adopted under this chapter may not prohibit the consumption of food or beverages in a public swimming pool or artificial swimming lagoon that is privately owned and operated. In this subchapter, "commission" means the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Sept. 1, 1997. Aug. 12, 1991; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. The City of Dallas regulates and inspects commercial pools, health club pools, hotel/motel pools and institutional pools. IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR DEVICE WITH APPEARANCE OF FIRE HYDRANT THAT IS NONFUNCTIONING OR UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN FIRE EMERGENCY. (1) a municipality with a population of more than 36,000 and less than 41,000 located in two counties, one of which is a county with a population of more than 1.8 million; (2) a municipality, including any industrial district within the municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, with a population of more than 7,000 and less than 30,000 located in a county with a population of more than 155,000 and less than 180,000; and. (c) The department shall make available to the state's citizens: (1) current information concerning minimum allowable concentrations of toxic gases; and. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) A person may not cause, suffer, allow, or permit a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter. A water supply system owner, manager, or operator or an agent of a water supply system owner, manager, or operator may not advertise or announce a water supply as being of a quality other than the quality that is disclosed by the commission's latest rating. Sept. 1, 1995. Sept. 1, 1989. (c) Each public water system responsible for any hydrant shall: (1) paint all or the cap of the hydrant white if the hydrant is available to be used only to fill a water tank on a fire truck used for fire suppression services; and. 678, Sec. 5.95(49), (59), eff. Aug. 12, 1991. Texas Health & Safety Code 365.011 & 365.012, Littering. (3) is within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico. (b) The environmental health officer must be a registered professional engineer. (e) Water in an interactive water feature or fountain may not show an acid reaction to a standard pH test. 5, eff. (a) A person may not use or permit to be used in a business, manufacturing establishment, or other place of employment a process, material, or condition known to have a possible adverse effect on the health of the person's employees unless arrangements have been made to maintain the occupational environment in a manner that such injury will not occur. (c) The notice must specify the nature of the public health nuisance and designate a reasonable time within which the nuisance must be abated. Section 8001 et seq. Information pertaining to this permitting process is available at the bottom of this page. (b) A retail establishment that has a toilet facility for its employees shall allow a customer to use the toilet facility during normal business hours if: (1) the retail establishment does not have a public restroom that is immediately accessible to the customer; (2) the employee toilet facility is not located in an area where providing access would create an obvious health or safety risk to the customer or an obvious security risk to the retail establishment; (3) the customer requesting use of the employee toilet facility provides the retail establishment with evidence of the customer's eligible medical condition including: (A) a copy of a statement signed by a physician, a registered nurse, a physician's assistant, or a person acting under the delegation and supervision of a licensed physician in conformance with Subchapter A, Chapter 157, Occupations Code, that indicates the customer suffers from an eligible medical condition or uses an ostomy device; or, (B) an identification card that is issued by a nationally recognized health organization or a local health department and that indicates the customer suffers from an eligible medical condition or uses an ostomy device; and. (a) A school building must be located on grounds that are well drained and maintained in a sanitary condition. Renumbered from Health and Safety Code Sec. 1, eff. in the Unincorporated Areas of Dallas County will need a permit. June 15, 2007. 1, eff. (9) "Toilet" means the hopper device for the deposit and discharge of human excreta into a water carriage system. Sept. 1, 1995. 341.035(e) by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1989. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. (h) For purposes of Subsection (g), a system for labeling or color coding hydrants may include the assignment of different colors to identify hydrants that are available for direct pumping, hydrants that are available for filling a water tank on a fire truck used for fire suppression services, and hydrants that are unavailable for use by an entity providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency. (d) If it appears that a person has violated, is violating, or is threatening to violate this chapter, a rule adopted under this chapter, a permitting or inspection requirement imposed under Section 341.064(n), or a closure order issued under Section 341.064(o), the department, a county, a municipality, or the attorney general on request by the district attorney, criminal district attorney, county attorney, or, with the approval of the governing body of the municipality, the attorney for the municipality may institute a civil suit in a district court for: (e) The department is a necessary and indispensable party in a suit brought by a county or municipality under this section. 11.14, eff. The commission may establish a schedule of fees. Natural bodies of water used for swimming. 1010, Sec. Sec. (a) The water utility improvement account is created outside of the state treasury. Section 300f et seq.). 1010, Sec. Dallas, Texas 75202. Sec. 951 (H.B. 606 (S.B. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 678, Sec. (a) A person may not cause, suffer, allow, or permit a violation of this subchapter or a rule or order adopted under this subchapter. (e) The public water supply system may not resume operations until the commission, the executive director, or a court authorizes the resumption. September 1, 2009. 341.0391. 948 (S.B. Sec. Sec. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1993; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. This means that at no cost to you, we may earn a small commission for qualifying purchases. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $10 or more than $200. 1, eff. Dallas County is an active participant in the Corridor Development Certificate Program (CDC). (b) An owner, manager, operator, or other attendant in charge of an interactive water feature or fountain shall maintain the water feature or fountain in a sanitary condition. Sept. 1, 2001. Money in the account may be used only for: (1) capital improvements to the water or sewer system of a utility that has paid fines or penalties under this chapter or under Chapter 13, Water Code, that have been deposited in the account; or. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (2) the executive director determines that the system presents an imminent health hazard. 341.038. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. 678, Sec. w If the utility is sold to another owner, a portion of the sales price equivalent to the percentage of the used and useful facilities that were constructed with money under Subsection (c)(1) shall be immediately distributed equally to the current customers of the utility. (B) a sufficient water pressure not in excess of 20 pounds per square inch; (2) must require a utility to maintain at least the sufficient water flow and pressure described by Subdivision (1) in fire hydrants in a residential area or an industrial district located within the municipality or the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and. AUTHORITY OF HOME-RULE MUNICIPALITIES NOT AFFECTED. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (b) The executive commissioner shall adopt by rule pool safety standards necessary to prevent drowning. (B) the county or municipality refunds the permit holders any revenue determined by the auditor to exceed the cost of the program. Dallas County only has jurisdiction over the Unincorporated Areas of Dallas County. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. 341.0485. Sec. 1010, Sec. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT . 3.0861, eff. (c) The department shall promote rodent control programs in rat-infested areas and in localities in which typhus fever has appeared. September 1, 2013. (k) The operator or manager of a public swimming pool or of an artificial swimming lagoon shall provide adequate and proper approved facilities for the disposal of human excreta by the bathers. 6.19, eff. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. 1375 (S.B. Current FIRM panels and FIS reports may also be viewed at Dallas County Map Repository located at the following address: Dallas County Public Works Department 411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202-3375 Tel: 214-653-6392 Fax: 214-653-6445, Contact Lissa Shepard, P.E., C.F.M., Senior Bridge Engineer and Floodplain Manager, 214-653-7426, or. SANITARY DEFECTS AT PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 6.20, eff. Added by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. PUBLIC SAFETY STANDARDS. TOILET FACILITIES. (B) a minimum sufficient water pressure of at least 20 pounds per square inch; (2) must require a utility to maintain at least the minimum sufficient water flow and pressure described by Subdivision (1) in fire hydrants in a residential area located within the municipality or the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction; (3) must be based on the density of connections, service demands, and other relevant factors; (4) notwithstanding Subdivisions (1) and (2), if the municipality owns a municipal utility, may not require another utility located in the municipality or the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction to provide water flow and pressure in a fire hydrant greater than that provided by the municipal utility as determined by the commission; and. Sept. 1, 1993. (g) On discovery of a connection in violation of Subsection (e) or (f), the local health authority shall give written notice to the owner or agent maintaining the condition. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. All indoor and outdoor professional, collegiate, and similar sporting events, including rodeos and equestrian events, shall remain limited to 50 percent of the normal operating limits as determined by the owner. SANITATION OF BUSINESSES; OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. 1468), Sec. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 333, Sec. (a) The owner of any device having the appearance of a fire hydrant that is located in a place that an entity responsible for providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency would expect a fire hydrant to typically be located shall paint the device black if the device is nonfunctioning or otherwise unavailable for use by the entity providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency. (b) The prospective owner or operator of the system must submit to the executive director a business plan that demonstrates that the owner or operator of the proposed system has available the financial, managerial, and technical capability to ensure future operation of the system in accordance with applicable laws and rules. 1, eff. (b) This section applies only to a county, or a municipality in a county, that: (1) borders the United Mexican States or is adjacent to a county that borders the United Mexican States; (2) has a population of at least 400,000 or has a population of at least 20,000 and is adjacent to a county that has a population of at least 400,000; and. If the commission assesses a penalty, the commission shall give written notice of its decision to the person charged. (B) Section 51.072 or 590.0001, Local Government Code. (1) "Alternative onsite water" means rainwater, air-conditioner condensate, foundation drain water, storm water, cooling tower blowdown, swimming pool backwash and drain water, reverse osmosis reject water, or any other source of water considered appropriate by the commission. 1468), Sec. 341.03585. The disposal system shall be sufficient to prevent the pollution of surface soil, the contamination of a drinking water supply, the infection of flies or cockroaches, or the creation of any other public health nuisance. (3) any other matters that justice requires. 2, eff. (c) A customer who uses a toilet facility as authorized by this section shall leave the toilet facility in the same condition as it was before the customer used the toilet facility. (2) design and install a subsurface graywater or alternative onsite water system around the foundation of new housing in a way that minimizes foundation movement or cracking. 1010, Sec. Sept. 1, 1989. Center for Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Cancer Resources for Health Professionals, Resources for Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Families, Food Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Warehouses, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Licensure, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS), Health Care Information Collection (THCIC), Contact Information - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Laws and Rules - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Open Records - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Frequently Asked Questions - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Regulatory Clarifications and Guidance Documents - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Links and Resources - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Applications and Forms - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Complaint Process - Public Swimming Pools and Spas. 821 (H.B. (i) Dressing rooms of a public swimming pool or of an artificial swimming lagoon shall contain shower facilities. Here's a few local regulations on pool water draining and discharge. (e) Public drinking water distribution lines must be constructed of impervious materials with tight joints and must be a reasonably safe distance from sewer lines. 6.32, eff. A person commits an offense if the person violates a permitting or inspection requirement imposed under Section 341.064(n) or a closure order issued under Section 341.064(o). DALLAS COUNTY CODE OF ORDINENCES 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS POLICY AND ADMINISTRATIVE Chapter 1 - Code of Ordinance (Amended 11-6-07) Chapter 2 - County Infractions (Amended 11-2-21) Chapter 3 - Establishing the County Supervisor Districts and Election Precincts (Amended 12-28-21) Chapter 4 - General Assistance Program (Amended 6-12-18) Clean vegetation and debris before draining. 1, eff. 341.040. 87 (S.B. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. 2, eff. 613 (H.B. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. Because pool permit requirements vary between different counties and towns, leaving this step until the last minute can cause enormous problems. If you would like to build a commercial structure in the area outside of a city, please call the County Fire Marshal at (214) 653-7971 and review the County's commercial fire code that is available below. 219), Sec. 219), Sec. This site provides information about the new safety and sanitation standards for pools and links to other useful sites and information. Rule 70.100 adopts the International Code Council's International Residential Code, 2015 edition, for industrialized and modular residential buildings: (a) Effective August 1, 2017, all industrialized housing and buildings, modules, and modular components, shall be constructed in accordance with the codes . September 1, 2013. (b) Kitchen waste, laundry waste, or sewage may not be allowed to accumulate in, discharge into, or flow into a public place, gutter, street, or highway. 695 (H.B. (c) If it appears that a person has violated, is violating, or threatens to violate a provision under this subchapter, the commission, a county, or a municipality may institute a civil suit in a district court for: (1) injunctive relief to restrain the person from continuing the violation or threat of violation; (2) the assessment and recovery of a civil penalty; or. (a) A person who operates a public water supply on a contract or volunteer basis must hold a registration issued by the commission under Chapter 37, Water Code. 6.23, eff. 3552), Sec. (5) "Person" means an individual, corporation, organization, government, business trust, partnership, association, or any other legal entity. 6.20, eff. The State of Texas has pool fence regulations contained in chapter 757 of the State Health and Safety Code. Dallas County Subdivision Regulations Court Order Development Activities (residential or non-residential construction/installation, grading/filling, development, floodplain, on site sewerage facility/OSSF, sand & gravel operations, etc.) SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 341.064. 1, eff. It is a City Code violation to drain pools into the alleyways. Sec. (i) A tourist court, hotel, inn, or rooming house that does not conform to this chapter is a public health nuisance. IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR CERTAIN FIRE HYDRANTS AND FLUSH VALVES IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES. (c) The commission may not require a permit for the domestic use of less than 400 gallons of graywater or alternative onsite water each day if the water: (1) originates from a private residence; (2) is used by the occupants of that residence for gardening, composting, landscaping, or indoor use as allowed by rule, including toilet or urinal flushing, at the residence; (3) is collected using a system that may be diverted into a sewage collection or on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system; (4) is, if required by rule, stored in surge tanks that: (A) are clearly labeled as nonpotable water; (B) restrict access, especially to children; and. Is NONFUNCTIONING or UNAVAILABLE for USE in FIRE EMERGENCY programs in rat-infested Areas and in localities in which fever... Determined by the auditor to exceed the cost of the State of Texas has pool regulations... 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