It starts some spring cleaning. Steps : Combine the clay, rosehip oil, and essential oil in a mixing bowl. It absorbs excess skin fat, bacteria and pollutants, for example, and is thus a popular acne and oily skin treatment. Directions. When you apply it to your armpits, your skin and sweat glands contract, meaning you produce less sweat. Helps your Transition to Natural Deodorants. Typically a healthier microbiome (including in your mouth) equals less offensive smells. Cornstarch powder has a pH between 3.0 - 6.0. Thanks for sharing this! (Try this. Step 1: Avoid using conventional deodorants Doesnt need to be the Braggs kind with the mother in it, does it? Thoroughly cleanse your armpits with soap and water, use a deodorant you like, and see a dermatologist if you have any other concerns. I have been wanting to do an underarm detox for a while now and I actually want to start tonight! To apply, dab with fingers and rub or roll onto underarms. Bunny have you tried to highlight the words, copy and paste onto a word document? dataLayer.push({'eventCategory': 'leadbox', 'eventAction':'show', 'eventLabel':'Sugar Detox Lead Magnet', 'nonInteraction':'Yes'}); They combat body odor. Wait 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and soap. I write & create with the intent to help women feel authentically beautiful through the cultivation of creating a clean lifestyle to fuel both the body & mind. //